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How to change lockscreen wallpaper:

1. Download the script archive

2. Extract the contents out of its archive

3. Run amecs.cmd and choose Change Lockscreen Image

4. Proceed with onscreen instructions

Once the process has completed, the next login will greet you with the new lock screen wallpaper.
How to change profile picture:

It is advised to use pictures having the same width and height.

1. Download the script archive

2. Extract the contents out of its archive

3. Run amecs.cmd and choose Change Profile Image

4. Proceed with onscreen instructions

Once the process has completed, your new profile picture will be set after the next logon.
How to install WSL:

1. Download the script archive

2. Extract the contents out of its archive

3. Run amecs.cmd and choose Extra > Manage WSL > Enable WSL

4. Wait for the process to complete

To install a WSL distro, simply select Install WSL Distro in the WSL menu screen, and choose your distro of choice.

If it is in your interest to install WSL 2, follow Step 3 and 4 here, then change your distro's WSL version.
How to backup and restore your device's drivers:

1. Download the Backup_or_Restore_Device_Drivers.bat file

2. Run the following file as Administrator

3. Enter 1 and select a dedicated folder to backup your drivers to

4. Enter 2 and select a dedicated folder to restore your drivers from

Make sure your backups stay in a folder safe from any potential disk formatting.
How to login without typing username and password:

To perform the following action, we recommend using amecs. Alternatively, you can do it manually using the steps below:

1. Run the following command via Command Prompt as Administrator:

reg ADD “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\PasswordLess\Device” /v DevicePasswordLessBuildVersion /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

2. Run netplwiz and disable "Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer."

3. Click Apply, then enter your username and password

4. Reboot for changes to take place

The next login will greet you without input for any credentials.

If this method doesn't work, you can alternatively try Autologon by Sysinternals.
How to login without typing username:

To perform the following action, we recommend using amecs. Alternatively, you can do it manually using the steps below:

1. Run the following commands via Command Prompt as Administrator:

reg ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" /v dontdisplaylastusername /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

shutdown -r -t 0

The next login will greet you without input for username credentials.
How to switch between Dedicated or Integrated GPU to run a graphical program:

1. Open the Windows Settings App

2. Navigate to System > Display and click on Graphics Settings

3. Click Browse and navigate to the path containing the graphical program's executable, then select and Add it.

4. Click Options, and choose either Power saving for Integrated GPU, or High performance for Dedicated GPU in the Graphics Preference

The program will run on the specified GPU upon its next launch.
How to download and install all drivers:

1. Install SDIO via PowerShell as Administrator:

choco install -y sdio

2. Run Snappy Driver Installer Origin as Administrator

3. Allow Firewall connections when prompted

4. Once greeted with a Welcome tab, select "Download Indexes Only"

5. Once indexes download finishes, select "Select all" and "Install"

6. Once drivers installation finishes, reboot for changes to take place

If you're facing issues with SDIO, consider using SDI, or manually install drivers from OEM sites, such as this.

Once all drivers are installed, you may consider a backup solution for future deployment.
How to enable NCSI Active Probing:

To perform the following action, we recommend using amecs. Alternatively, you can do it manually using the steps below:

Due to minor privacy concerns, the NCSI service, which determines whether a device has internet access, has been disabled on Windows AME (prior to Build 21H1). This can, however, introduce issues with a number of programs, including Spotify, Microsoft Office, or the Adobe suite.

1. Run the following commands via Command Prompt as Administrator:

reg ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NlaSvc\Parameters\Internet" /v EnableActiveProbing /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

shutdown -r -t 0

2. The taskbar status for your network should show "Internet access", and you can run the program again