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AEGEE-Europe News | Updates |Open-calls

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Dear AEGEEans,

At Spring Agora 2020, we decided the topic for the EPM Tartu: “Circular Economy - from Grassroots Level to Policy Making”. We are issuing an OC for EPM Content Managers.

What does the EPM Content Manager do?
Developing the topic regarding the content of the conference;
Selecting speakers that can contribute to the discussion;
Documenting outcomes of the sessions during EPM;
Performing any other EPM-related tasks that may arise;
Ensuring smooth flow of the event together with StC and CD;
Providing organisational support during the whole event.

Who are we looking for?
Availability at least 6 hours a week from Sep 2020 to Mar 2021;
Ability to be present during the whole duration of the EPM;
Basic knowledge on the topic;
Experience in organising conferences;

How to join?
Fill the application form ( until 9th of September, 23.59 CEST

AEGEE-Europe’s newly created Fundraising Committee is looking for its first generation of members!

What does the Fundraising Committee do?
As a member of the FRC, you will support AEGEE-Europe to find new partners and improve relationships, monitor grant requests, involve in steps of project writing, and assist locals with these aspects.

Job Description & General Tasks
Search for possible partnerships that AEGEE profit
Support AEGEE-Europe in finding and writing grants
Cooperate with CD on implementing the fundraising strategy of AEGEE-Europe
Support locals with corporate and/or institutional FR efforts.

Who are we looking for?
We are looking for members who have experience in Institutional and/or Corporate Fundraising on the local and/or european level as well as members without experience, but with strong motivation to learn more about fundraising in general.

How to join?
Fill in the application form ( until September 9th, 23.59CEST

What is the Safe Person Committee?
The Safe Person Committee is a new committee dedicated to prevent, detect and react to sexual harassment in AEGEE. It aims to let AEGEE be a safe space for all its members and tackle sexual harassment in any form.

What does the Safe Person Committee do?
As a member of the Safe Person Committee, you will work on bringing Safe Person platform to the network. You will educate and raise awareness in the network on the necessity and knowledge of tackling sexual harassment.

Who are we looking for?
We are looking for members who have motivation to start this committee and mainstream the practices in AEGEE. The Safe Person Committee should consist of member who has expertise in the topic of tackling sexual harassment and/or victim response through either:
Having attended an official AEGEE Safe Person Training
Proven their experience in the relevant field in or outside of AEGEE

Application form ➡️

The Comité Directeur is looking for a new Finance Officer of AEGEE-Europe!

The role of Finance Officer is to support the Board of Directors with day to day tasks and administration of AEGEE’s finances.

The role of Finance Officer is to support the Board of Directors with day to day tasks and administration of AEGEE’s finances.

So if you want to get an understanding of the finances of a large international organisation;

Gain more experience in accounting and working with big budgets;
are passionate about the topic and would like to come up with innovative ways to make our financial management more efficient and cost effective...

You are the perfect candidate!

Apply by filling the form before the 27th of January 2021 at midnight CET.

Application form ➡️

More information can be found in the

Open Call document here ➡️

We will be more than happy to answer any of your potential questions at

The Comité Directeur is looking for a new Finance Officer of AEGEE-Europe!

The role of Finance Officer is to support the Board of Directors with day to day tasks and administration of AEGEE’s finances.

The role of Finance Officer is to support the Board of Directors with day to day tasks and administration of AEGEE’s finances.

So if you want to get an understanding of the finances of a large international organisation;

Gain more experience in accounting and working with big budgets;
are passionate about the topic and would like to come up with innovative ways to make our financial management more efficient and cost effective...

You are the perfect candidate!

Apply by filling the form before the 27th of January 2021 at midnight CET.

Application form ➡️

More information can be found in the

Open Call document here ➡️

We will be more than happy to answer any of your potential questions at