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AEGEE-Europe News | Updates |Open-calls

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#opencall #academy #tnt #hostinglocal

WHAT Hosting local for Training New Trainers 📢
⭕️DEADLINE 15th of September 2018, 12:00 CEST
🔹APPLY filling this form

We are searching for a hosting local to cooperate with us on the logistical part of the upcoming Training New Trainers, which aim is to extend the amount of trainers within our organisation and ensure quality education level for all our members.
Therefore we are looking for one ​hosting local to organize 5 training days plus one arrival day between 1st of December and 31st of​ January.
Important notice: We also got an EU grant in order to organize this event, so financial contribution of the antenna is not necessary! 🎊

More information regarding budget and logistics requirements you can find inside the application form. Please apply by filling in this form until 15th of September 2018, 12:00 CEST.

Looking forward on all applications!

🔹WHAT: Online Trainings Academy
🔹WHEN: 7-10.5.2020
🔹WHERE: Online ;-)
🔹FEE: Free!
🔹SIGNUP: Coming soon


We have some good news for you! Since Agora is postponed to June, we as AEGEE-Academy decided to organise Online Trainings Academy during the long weekend (7.5.-10.5.) that Agora was supposed to happen. During the Online Training Academy different trainers will deliver online session on different topics. A great opportunity to learn and develop yourself!

Soon we will publish the list of topics and the schedule. You will be able to sign up for single sessions and you will be able to attend them following the first comes, first served principle ;-)

Stay tuned for more information and save the date! :D

Do you want to organise a training event, but you lack trainers to do so? In such case, do not hesitate to contact the board of AEGEE-Academy and we will do our best to find a matching trainer for you!

All you need to do is fill out the form that you will find in the official ‘’Request a
Training/Trainer‘’ page on the website of AEGEE-Academy.

We highly recommend you to contact us at least a month before the event and if you have any questions you can always contact us via email at

We are looking forward to provide you an unforgettable Non-Formal Education experience!

Related Link ➡️

How many meetings have you been in?

And how many times did you talk and talk, without any concrete results?

And afterwards, everyone assumed someone would do the tasks proposed, but no one actually did them?

What's missing is effective group decision making. So that everyone knows what is decided, feels involved in the process, and knows who will execute the task. Join this training and start your journey to get rid of useless meetings once and for all!

Join our training on 18th of March to find more, application link here ➡️

You can apply until 17th of March 23:59 CET

What: Online Training New Trainers (TNT)
When: 13th - 16th May 2021
Fee: 30 EUR

Are YOU an active member of AEGEE, eager to support others in their learning and development process, to share your experience and to seek a comprehensive and challenging “Training-New-Trainers”-experience to get you started on your journey as a trainer?

Are you looking forward to meeting a group of like-minded participants with whom you will shape and realise your future training sessions?

Is that you? Marvelous!! We want to meet you at the Online Training New Trainers (TNT) of AEGEE-Academy!

Apply here ( until the 25th of April 2021, at 23:59 CEST