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Join us at WSP on Saturday to commemorate June 4 with an art installation and candlelight vigil 🕯
Now it is more important than ever to remember, learn, and act with the lessons of 6/4 in mind. Come share this space and build community with us.
Hosted by @projectblackmaskhk @ny4hk
#六四燭光 #六四集會 #毋忘六四 #washington #US
Now it is more important than ever to remember, learn, and act with the lessons of 6/4 in mind. Come share this space and build community with us.
Hosted by @projectblackmaskhk @ny4hk
#六四燭光 #六四集會 #毋忘六四 #washington #US
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612如水再聚 莫失莫忘. Be Water. Be United.
Date: Sunday 12th June 2022
Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Location: 100 W Erie St, Chicago, IL 60654-3704, United States
As part of the Global Campaign for Hong Kong, Chicago Solidarity with Hong Kong 芝援香港 (CSHK) are co-hosting with different organizations to hold a Chicago Rally at Consulate General of China on June 12.
The year 2022 marks the 3rd anniversary of the 2019 Hong Kong Revolution.
#HongKongers #612三週年 #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom #UnitedWeStand #US #Chicago
Date: Sunday 12th June 2022
Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Location: 100 W Erie St, Chicago, IL 60654-3704, United States
As part of the Global Campaign for Hong Kong, Chicago Solidarity with Hong Kong 芝援香港 (CSHK) are co-hosting with different organizations to hold a Chicago Rally at Consulate General of China on June 12.
The year 2022 marks the 3rd anniversary of the 2019 Hong Kong Revolution.
#HongKongers #612三週年 #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom #UnitedWeStand #US #Chicago
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🥽6.12 DMV Action Day🌂
On June 12, the 3rd anniversary of the start of mass protests in Hong Kong, DC4HK will organize a DMV Action Day and hand out flyers at the Lincoln Memorial.
The flyers will update on Hong Kong’s dire political situation and include actions items for individuals to take to continue supporting Hong Kong.
Please join us in taking action, and creating a much-needed change for our bothers and sisters back home.
🗓Date: June 12th (Sunday)
⏰Time: 1PM - 2:30PM
📍Venue: Lincoln Memorial
#反送中三週年 #US #washington
On June 12, the 3rd anniversary of the start of mass protests in Hong Kong, DC4HK will organize a DMV Action Day and hand out flyers at the Lincoln Memorial.
The flyers will update on Hong Kong’s dire political situation and include actions items for individuals to take to continue supporting Hong Kong.
Please join us in taking action, and creating a much-needed change for our bothers and sisters back home.
🗓Date: June 12th (Sunday)
⏰Time: 1PM - 2:30PM
📍Venue: Lincoln Memorial
#反送中三週年 #US #washington
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612 如水再聚 莫失莫忘
12th June - Be Water. Be United.
#毋忘初衷 #612三週年 #遍地開花 #光復香港 #香港獨立
#Canada #台灣 #日本 #US #czechrepublic #Denmark #Germany #Sweden #Australia #UK #NewZealand
圖: 國際線文宣組手足
12th June - Be Water. Be United.
#毋忘初衷 #612三週年 #遍地開花 #光復香港 #香港獨立
#Canada #台灣 #日本 #US #czechrepublic #Denmark #Germany #Sweden #Australia #UK #NewZealand
圖: 國際線文宣組手足
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時間:6:00pm開始(5:30pm集合 @ Joe's Crab Shack)
地點:Old Sacramento Tower Bridge 🇺🇸
為支持及記念所有受傷者,美國香港人會館 Sacramento 團隊現發起記念流水式遊行。
Event page:
#毋忘721 #海外活動 #US
時間:6:00pm開始(5:30pm集合 @ Joe's Crab Shack)
地點:Old Sacramento Tower Bridge 🇺🇸
為支持及記念所有受傷者,美國香港人會館 Sacramento 團隊現發起記念流水式遊行。
Event page:
#毋忘721 #海外活動 #US
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支持台灣 ✊🏼 華府台灣同鄉會抗議活動
Posted on IG @dc4hk
華府台灣同鄉會 Taiwanese Association of America Greater Washington Chapter 將於8月12日(星期五)舉辦「抗議中國流氓惡霸行徑 譴責中國威脅亞太和平」抗議活動,希望各位香港人可以踴躍參與,以行動支持台灣!🤝🏼
地點:中國大使館(3503 International Pl NW, Washington DC 20008)
#StandWithTaiwan #PeaceForTaiwan #海外活動 #us #Washington #中國大使館 #抗議 #BoycottChina #EvilCCP #TaiwanIsACountry
Posted on IG @dc4hk
華府台灣同鄉會 Taiwanese Association of America Greater Washington Chapter 將於8月12日(星期五)舉辦「抗議中國流氓惡霸行徑 譴責中國威脅亞太和平」抗議活動,希望各位香港人可以踴躍參與,以行動支持台灣!🤝🏼
地點:中國大使館(3503 International Pl NW, Washington DC 20008)
#StandWithTaiwan #PeaceForTaiwan #海外活動 #us #Washington #中國大使館 #抗議 #BoycottChina #EvilCCP #TaiwanIsACountry
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#US #Washington #華盛頓 #香港民主委員會 #周永康 #十一 #港殤 #賀佢老母 #BoycottChina #TakeDownTheCCP #天滅中共全黨死清光 #SayNoToMIC
自由亞洲粵語 @rfacantonese 報導
#US #Washington #華盛頓 #香港民主委員會 #周永康 #十一 #港殤 #賀佢老母 #BoycottChina #TakeDownTheCCP #天滅中共全黨死清光 #SayNoToMIC
自由亞洲粵語 @rfacantonese 報導
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Credit: twitter @jielijian
#洛杉磯 #US #賀佢老母 #BoycottChina #TakeDownTheCCP #天滅中共全黨死清光
Credit: twitter @jielijian
#洛杉磯 #US #賀佢老母 #BoycottChina #TakeDownTheCCP #天滅中共全黨死清光
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United as freedom fighters, Hongkonger, Tibetan, Uyghur, Taiwanese, and Chinese allies fearlessly showed up at UC Berkeley in the morning on 1st October.
Being silent to the crimes against humanity the CCP has been committing will NEVER spare you from being punched down by the killing machine. Instead, we sincerely invite you to stand with us, stand with justice, stand with humanity, and stand with freedom.
United we have the power. United we stand against CCP’s tyranny.✊
Photos: and an anonymous photographer
Posted on IG @hkaaberk
Full article:
#US #California #賀佢老母 #BoycottChina #TakeDownTheCCP #天滅中共全黨死清光 #SayNoToMIC
Being silent to the crimes against humanity the CCP has been committing will NEVER spare you from being punched down by the killing machine. Instead, we sincerely invite you to stand with us, stand with justice, stand with humanity, and stand with freedom.
United we have the power. United we stand against CCP’s tyranny.✊
Photos: and an anonymous photographer
Posted on IG @hkaaberk
Full article:
#US #California #賀佢老母 #BoycottChina #TakeDownTheCCP #天滅中共全黨死清光 #SayNoToMIC
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#間諜氣球 #美國 #US #NeverTrustCCP #SayNoToChina #EvilCCP #TakeDownCCP
#間諜氣球 #美國 #US #NeverTrustCCP #SayNoToChina #EvilCCP #TakeDownCCP
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中方此前表示, 美國擊落的氣球和拉美地區上空發現的氣球均是民用飛艇。中方能否說明上述氣球屬於哪家中國公司、 企業或部門 ? 中方已進行了數日調查, 能否介紹氣球在美國收集的是氣象還是其他什麼信息?
關於無人飛艇, 中方已經多次介紹了有關 情況。我目前不掌握更多的信息。
#間諜氣球 #美國 #US #NeverTrustCCP #SayNoToChina #EvilCCP #TakeDownCCP
中方此前表示, 美國擊落的氣球和拉美地區上空發現的氣球均是民用飛艇。中方能否說明上述氣球屬於哪家中國公司、 企業或部門 ? 中方已進行了數日調查, 能否介紹氣球在美國收集的是氣象還是其他什麼信息?
關於無人飛艇, 中方已經多次介紹了有關 情況。我目前不掌握更多的信息。
#間諜氣球 #美國 #US #NeverTrustCCP #SayNoToChina #EvilCCP #TakeDownCCP
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美國當地3月15日,美國參議院外交關係委員會的 Jim Risch 委員 和 Bob Menendez 主席帶領38位誇黨派參議員提出一項決議,譴責北京摧毀香港的民主和法治、及以政治檢控迫害黎智英和其他民主派人士。
委員Jim Risch 說:「2020年所頒布的《香港國家安全法》剷除了中國和香港最後的分別。香港政府必須停止以無中生有的罪名政治檢控黎智英和陳日君樞機。 這項決議呼籲釋放所有被錯誤檢控的政治犯,並鼓勵美國政府和盟友使用所有可用手段來追究北京和香港政府的責任。」
主席Bob Menendez 說:「中國可恥地在拆解香港的自治權,我很自豪與這麼多同事一起重申我們對黎智英和其他民主派人士、人權活動家、記者和其他被迫害的香港公民的堅定支持。 美國參議院正以兩黨的方式走到一起,我們仍然明確地與盟友團結一致高舉言論自由、人身安全和基本人權的價值。在我們繼續努力加強美國對華政策的各個方面時,我期待著確保這兩黨決議迅速通過。」
黎智英的兒子黎崇恩、國際律師團成員Cailfhionn Gallagher和Jennifer Robinson,3月14日在日內瓦聯合國發言,促請聯合國關注黎智英的相關案件。黎崇恩呼籲聯合國、國際社會和所有珍惜基本權利和自由的人,關注香港政府濫用法律迫害他父親及其同事,以及其他行使言論自由和自由權利的人。他形容港府敲響了在香港享有權利和自由的喪鐘,聯合國應譴責這些行為,並竭盡全力確保他父親獲釋。
#US #外國勢力 #參議院外交關係委員會 #國安法 #StandWithHongKong #黎智英 #陳日君 #蘋果日報
Posted by IG @hkladyliberty
委員Jim Risch 說:「2020年所頒布的《香港國家安全法》剷除了中國和香港最後的分別。香港政府必須停止以無中生有的罪名政治檢控黎智英和陳日君樞機。 這項決議呼籲釋放所有被錯誤檢控的政治犯,並鼓勵美國政府和盟友使用所有可用手段來追究北京和香港政府的責任。」
主席Bob Menendez 說:「中國可恥地在拆解香港的自治權,我很自豪與這麼多同事一起重申我們對黎智英和其他民主派人士、人權活動家、記者和其他被迫害的香港公民的堅定支持。 美國參議院正以兩黨的方式走到一起,我們仍然明確地與盟友團結一致高舉言論自由、人身安全和基本人權的價值。在我們繼續努力加強美國對華政策的各個方面時,我期待著確保這兩黨決議迅速通過。」
黎智英的兒子黎崇恩、國際律師團成員Cailfhionn Gallagher和Jennifer Robinson,3月14日在日內瓦聯合國發言,促請聯合國關注黎智英的相關案件。黎崇恩呼籲聯合國、國際社會和所有珍惜基本權利和自由的人,關注香港政府濫用法律迫害他父親及其同事,以及其他行使言論自由和自由權利的人。他形容港府敲響了在香港享有權利和自由的喪鐘,聯合國應譴責這些行為,並竭盡全力確保他父親獲釋。
#US #外國勢力 #參議院外交關係委員會 #國安法 #StandWithHongKong #黎智英 #陳日君 #蘋果日報
Posted by IG @hkladyliberty
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【Bipartisan Introduction of the Hong Kong Resolution】
On March 15, U.S. Senators Jim Risch (R-ID) and Bob Menendez (D-NJ) introduced a non-binding Hong Kong resolution condemning the CCP's destruction of Hong Kong's democratic institutions and rule of law. The resolution has bipartisan support from 38 other senators, including longtime allies of Hong Kong's democracy movement such as Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL).
The Senate resolution specifically condemns the National Security Law, as well as the Hong Kong government's politically motivated prosecutions of key activists and civil society leaders. It also urges the U.S. government to use all possible means available to respond to the CCP's attacks on Hong Kong's autonomy.
Posted by
#US #參議院外交關係委員會 #國安法 #StandWithHongKong #香港決議草案
【Bipartisan Introduction of the Hong Kong Resolution】
On March 15, U.S. Senators Jim Risch (R-ID) and Bob Menendez (D-NJ) introduced a non-binding Hong Kong resolution condemning the CCP's destruction of Hong Kong's democratic institutions and rule of law. The resolution has bipartisan support from 38 other senators, including longtime allies of Hong Kong's democracy movement such as Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL).
The Senate resolution specifically condemns the National Security Law, as well as the Hong Kong government's politically motivated prosecutions of key activists and civil society leaders. It also urges the U.S. government to use all possible means available to respond to the CCP's attacks on Hong Kong's autonomy.
Posted by
#US #參議院外交關係委員會 #國安法 #StandWithHongKong #香港決議草案
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NOT GUILTY – Stand with Hong Kong 47 // IG @students4hk
As part of a wider global joint effort, yesterday, we gathered at San Francisco Union Square in solidarity with other protestors to call for international awareness of the ongoing trial of the “#HongKong47” pro-democracy advocates. They are currently facing an unfair trial which accused them baselessly of “conspiring to subvert state power”.
#US #SanFrancisco #savehk47 #47人案 #初選大搜捕 #國安法 #未審先判 #政治犯 #欲加之罪 #冤獄 #莫須有 #初選無罪 #釋放政治犯 #海外活動 #外國港人勢力 #默站
NOT GUILTY – Stand with Hong Kong 47 // IG @students4hk
As part of a wider global joint effort, yesterday, we gathered at San Francisco Union Square in solidarity with other protestors to call for international awareness of the ongoing trial of the “#HongKong47” pro-democracy advocates. They are currently facing an unfair trial which accused them baselessly of “conspiring to subvert state power”.
#US #SanFrancisco #savehk47 #47人案 #初選大搜捕 #國安法 #未審先判 #政治犯 #欲加之罪 #冤獄 #莫須有 #初選無罪 #釋放政治犯 #海外活動 #外國港人勢力 #默站
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NOT GUILTY – Stand with Hong Kong 47 // IG @students4hk
As part of a wider global joint effort, yesterday, we gathered at San Francisco Union Square in solidarity with other protestors to call for international awareness of the ongoing trial of the “#HongKong47” pro-democracy advocates. They are currently facing an unfair trial which accused them baselessly of “conspiring to subvert state power”.
#US #SanFrancisco #savehk47 #47人案 #初選大搜捕 #國安法 #未審先判 #政治犯 #欲加之罪 #冤獄 #莫須有 #初選無罪 #釋放政治犯 #海外活動 #外國港人勢力 #默站
NOT GUILTY – Stand with Hong Kong 47 // IG @students4hk
As part of a wider global joint effort, yesterday, we gathered at San Francisco Union Square in solidarity with other protestors to call for international awareness of the ongoing trial of the “#HongKong47” pro-democracy advocates. They are currently facing an unfair trial which accused them baselessly of “conspiring to subvert state power”.
#US #SanFrancisco #savehk47 #47人案 #初選大搜捕 #國安法 #未審先判 #政治犯 #欲加之罪 #冤獄 #莫須有 #初選無罪 #釋放政治犯 #海外活動 #外國港人勢力 #默站
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好萊塢電影「捍衛戰士:獨行俠」(Top Gun: Maverick)去年上映時,相關問題浮上檯面。當時在電影預告片中,觀眾注意到湯姆克魯斯(Tom Cruise)飾演的主角穿的飛行員夾克上,中華民國和日本的國旗被拿掉,顯然是為了安撫中國投資方騰訊。
美國共和黨籍德州聯邦參議員克魯茲(Ted Cruz)肯定五角大廈修改規定。他說:「中國共產黨在政治宣傳和內容審查方面花費數以十億計美元,多年來好萊塢協助他們審查內容,好讓電影能在中國上映;但同時又與美國政府合作,讓同樣的電影得以製作。」
#美國國防部 #US #TopGun #中華民國 #騰訊 #NeverTrustCCP #SayNoToChina
好萊塢電影「捍衛戰士:獨行俠」(Top Gun: Maverick)去年上映時,相關問題浮上檯面。當時在電影預告片中,觀眾注意到湯姆克魯斯(Tom Cruise)飾演的主角穿的飛行員夾克上,中華民國和日本的國旗被拿掉,顯然是為了安撫中國投資方騰訊。
美國共和黨籍德州聯邦參議員克魯茲(Ted Cruz)肯定五角大廈修改規定。他說:「中國共產黨在政治宣傳和內容審查方面花費數以十億計美元,多年來好萊塢協助他們審查內容,好讓電影能在中國上映;但同時又與美國政府合作,讓同樣的電影得以製作。」
#美國國防部 #US #TopGun #中華民國 #騰訊 #NeverTrustCCP #SayNoToChina