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國務院今澄清APEC會議計劃 表明當局並未決定邀請李家超
Clarification by the State Department Spokesperson
— “No Decisions About Invites Have Been Made”

In an open letter to Secretary Blinken this week, it was quoted that the Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman has confirmed plans to "invite Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee to attend APEC.” A spokesperson for the State Department clarified today that an incorrect statement was issued earlier to Congress, and “no decisions about invites have been made.” They reiterated that the U.S. values the participation of the 21 member economies and emphasized that participants must comply with U.S. laws, including sanction-related provisions.

Hong Kongers in the U.S. will continue to demand that the authorities directly and clearly withdraw the invitation to John Lee and bar his entry into the U.S..

#李家超 #APEC #JohnLee #SanFrancisco #制裁 #sanction
消息指美拒李家超出席APEC 盤點歷任特首與美國的距離

集誌社全文: http://bitly.ws/PrbG


報道引述美方官員指,特區政府仍然可以派出其他官員率領代表團參與。行政長官李家超在吉隆坡重申立場清晰,希望 APEC 主辦國按一貫指引、做法和慣例,邀請成員經濟體領導人出席。盤點屆任特首訪美安排,董建華在上任兩個月後即訪問美國、獲時任美國總統克林頓接見,到林鄭月娥原定 2019年9月的訪美行程因反修例運動取消;李家超自2020年8月起被美國制裁,至今甚至被拒入境美國出席 APEC 會議。

#APEC #李家超 #制裁 #比卡超 #JohnLee #SanFrancisco #sanction
Sanction these thugs for jailing thousands of political dissidents in Hong Kong!

美國2024年度美國國防授權法最終修訂版於本月7日出爐,並於14日提交總統拜登簽署,如拜登沒有反對將成為正式法案。該法案將中國,包括香港、澳門,列為「海外敵對勢力」(foreign adversary),與古巴、北韓、伊朗、俄羅斯、委內瑞拉齊名。

而中國政府、香港政府、新疆政府、西藏政府實行了「中華人民共和國的暴行」(atrocity of the People's Republic of China)包括反人類罪、種族滅絕、戰爭罪行。而實行上述罪行的人員包括政府/共產黨成員、官員、政府員工、武裝人員、保安、代理人、承包商。值得留意的是政府員工(employee)即香港人所指的公務員,而政府外判商/承包商(contractor)亦被列為參與罪行者。

#港共落地獄 #賣港賊冚家亡 #禍港正苦 #垃圾港共 #Sanction #evilCCP #NeverTrustCCP #SayNoToChina #TakeDownCCP