💗 CREATING CHANGE with Emma Bradford 💗
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Cultivating self tenderness, awakening to the magic of life. Creating Change with Emma Bradford Podcast 🌟 www.emmabradford.net
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and loving it!

Last weekend as I celebrated entering my 40th year in this life, I said to my exercise partner at a dance workshop "I feel more me than I ever have".

There's something about getting older, and embracing change (rather than resisting it) that feels so freeing.

Silver hair and all.

When I was younger I thought I needed perfect hair, perfect skin, my own house, more money, partnership, kids etc to feel happy, loved and accepted.

And whilst a few of those things on that list are welcome... turns out all I needed was to start listening and caring for myself... as I am.

It's not about the things.

It's about the experiences.

It's not about perfection.

It's about connection.

It's not about the end goal.

It's about the journey.

Thank you to all the wonderful wishes, hugs and love these last few days, I feel truly blessed.

And my birthday wish is that this love continues... out into the world, even in the smallest of ways.

If you want to celebrate with me, give a gift then here are a couple of invitations if you choose...

1) Put a reminder on your phone to go off every year, on YOUR birthday with a loving message to yourself. I do this and forget every year and it comes as a wonderful surprise each time 😂

2) Share the phrase "Thank you for being YOU" with someone. This can be messaged, emailed or written on a piece of paper for someone to find. A little ripple of kindness out into the world.

Feel free to choose one, none, or both, whatever feels good.

Another day, another year... celebrating LIFE 🤗

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

With love,

Emma 💗
11 - Y E A R S...

I've learnt a lot (and still learning) though what I soon realised after personally letting go of weekly panic attacks years ago, and supporting clients to return to their authentic core within is that...

💗 The mind amplifies feelings through the type of stories it's focused on

💗 Anxiety is a messenger of a root cause, not the real issue itself

💗 There are simple and effective ways to come back to more calmness, clarity and confidence where you don't need to be dependent on medication or a therapist for life (depending on case).

Let's be clear, there are things I work on and things I do in 1:1 sessions, and certain things I don't (see slides for more).

If you're experiencing extreme mental health issues and trauma there are many skilled professionals that can help (happy to recommend).

Though if you're experiencing a few symptoms, want to feel even more resourceful, looking for support that is forward focused and empowering you can schedule a free 15min call with me (link in bio) for a chat.

Get curious.

Anxiety, stress, negative self-talk, lack of confidence etc... are all messengers.

It's through an open, curious, mindset where insights and solutions appear.

There are ways.

It can improve.

3 session package... Clarity, Calm, Confidence. 1:1 sessions available worldwide online and in person at @artemise_centrefeminin

With love

Emma 💗

Ps/ Testimonials are personal experiences of clients, results can vary slightly from client to client as each case is different. If you're not happy after the 1st session you can get your money back.
VIDEO ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7RqkGZIZjQ/?igsh=MXFzcHpnNjBzMzEyeg==

Whilst I love cacao, other healing foods and plants from around the world... sometimes it's become a trend in the wellness space ignoring the fact that we have so many healing plants and herbs right here on our doorstep.

Seeking further afield forgetting the abundance and healing right here.

TOMORROW Thursday 23rd May I have a very special women's gathering, exploring our relationship with the local land, herbs and our intuition.

Connect To Your Inner Medicine Woman

There will be...

💗 Creative activity to make your own smudging stick using local abundant herbs

💗 Personal enquiry, reflection questions... what are the local plants communicating to you?

💗 Nourishing snacks and herbal teas to tend to your body

💗 Soothing embodiment practices to relax the nervous system

💗 NLP guided visualisation to connect with your inner medicine woman and deepen your trust in your intuition

💗 Music, candlelight, community and more.

€15 - 22 (depending on option, message for info)

_Empowering women - skills you get to keep for life_

Wishing you a beautiful evening!

With love

Emma 💗
C O M M O N...

symptom of ignoring your intuition is ANXIETY.

I listened to my intuition when I knew loved ones would transition.

When I knew previous lifetimes I've lived with certain people, what genders, where we lived.

When I went against my teachers guidance at Uni only to then gain better grades, prove them wrong because my intuition knew 😂

When I felt deeper underlying energy behind connections, knowing the true reason behind people's motives.

Knowing when someone would call, when they would think of me.

Being led to new places, connections, magical experiences and more.

AND there have been times I ignored my intuition too...

Being in an abusive relationship, wasting time, energy, money on things all because I was listening to logic or the Egos emotional wounds more than my intuitive knowing.

Painful, traumatic experiences completely broke me open to truly listening to the gift of intuition.

My intuition saved my life.


A feeling, a knowing, loving words, synchronicities, messages etc.

Noticing the E X P A N S I O N or an uneasiness.

Intuition is the language of the Soul, guiding us (if we listen).

And what I've noticed in terms of ANXIETY is that symptoms can arise when people are in conflict with what they know is right for them vs holding onto comfort, listening to fears, Ego desires etc.

Anxiety can be a symptom of trying to fight / ignore your intuition.

Read that again - not many talk about this.

If you're experiencing anxiety get curious, what is your intuition communicating that perhaps you're overlooking?


What feels expansive? What doesn't feel right?

Want more tools to reduce anxiety?

I have a FREE talk for women at @artemise_centrefeminin Saturday 1st June at 11.45H as part of their open doors event.

Not a woman or not in Barcelona? Curious to learn more? Book a FREE 15min chat, link in bio.

With love

Emma 💗
W H A T...

we consume plays a huge role in how we feel.

Food / drink can amplify or reduce whatever emotions that are already present within he body, especially when consumed in excess.

Years ago I had a client seeking help with anxiety, they came to the session with an almost empty 2L bottle of Coca-Cola saying "I should probably stop drinking this too".


Another client had 4-5 cups of strong coffee a day and were wondering why they didn't feel calm.

Now let's get clear...

1) EVERYONE IS UNIQUE: Caffeine affects some people more than others. Depends on what else is going on for the individual, their energetic constitution and current condition.

2) EMOTIONS: There is almost always an underlying emotional root cause, caffeine either turns up the dial or reduces it in terms of how much the person in consuming, how they're affected by caffeine. Looking at unexpressed emotions is an important part as well as many other factors (too many for one post!).

3) FOOD ENERGETICS: With lifetime awareness of food energetics thanks to my parents (mainly my Mother, a pioneer in this field with more than 45 years experience and 9 books about food energetics) I've learnt a lot around this topic. Also certified teacher from her school.

4) NOT JUST COFFEE: Can also include different stimulants, refined sugars and alcohol... these all can contribute to feeling off balance, experiencing increased anxiety when consumed in excess... especially long term.

5) FIND WHAT WORKS FOR YOU: Everyone is different some might find benefit reducing 1 cup of coffee a day to decaf (look for swiss water method as other types contain chemicals) whilst others may need to cut out more as they work on the emotional aspects.

So much more to share (might become a training one day 😅) and if you want further support here are some options...

For women 💗 FREE talk at @artemise_centrefeminin women's health centre, Saturday 1st June, 11.45H

For all 🌟 1:1 sessions available worldwide

Comment 'ANXIETY' for more info.

With love
