Y3K Telegram Channel
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Get connected with the technology platforms, projects, and builders shaping the future of our world. Follow Y3K channel for updates on upcoming virtual and irl events, as well as updates from our partner communities.
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Welcome to the Y3K Telegram broadcast channel! πŸŽ‰

Stay up to date with all the latest news, updates, and announcements from Y3K. We are a dynamic and innovative community that is passionate about making a difference leveraging the technology of the future.

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Don't miss out on any exciting opportunities or valuable information. Join us today and be part of the Y3K journey!πŸš€

Check out Y3K’s most recent twitterspace on Social Media and Positive Mental Health. You’ll hear from wellness enthusiasts, industry experts, and licensed professionals on the impact of emerging tech on mental health and how to maintain positive mental health in our digital world.
We are excited to celebrate Black History Month (BHM) with you! Throughout the month of February, we will be honoring the rich history, achievements, and contributions of individuals from the African Diaspora and we’d like you to join us in the celebration.

Here are some highlights of our BHM events and activities:

Y3K Black History Month Creators Contest: Participate in our creator's contest for a chance to win a prize group consulting session with NFTCLT and $1 LLC with Catawba Digital Economic Zone.


Community Spotlight: We will be featuring individuals from our community who have made significant contributions to Black culture in web3. If you know someone who deserves recognition, please reach out to us and let us know their story.

Y3K at Superbowl: Join us in Las Vegas for the Immersive City STEAM event and the Creator Summit hosted by Pigeon of NY.
The @y3kquest team had a blast @ethdenver learning about the latest emerging tech tends in #web3 β„οΈπŸ”οΈπŸ’»πŸ€“

Key Themes
1. Attestation βœ…
2. Trust Networks πŸ•ΈοΈ
3. AI 🧠

πŸ’‘Check out some of our fav talks from trusted frens in web3
