Planet Crypto
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Ready For Premium Binance Signal👇👇
BUY #CTR UNDER 1410015200 SELL TARGET 1670019000

BUY: 11400-11500




BUY - 23-2400
Tg1 - 25
Tg 2 - 28
Tg 3 - 33
Coin #ERC

BUY : 0.00007200-7500


📌 0.00008000
📌 0.000010000
📌 0.000012000
📌 0.000014000
📌 0.000016000+

STOP LOS : 0.00006010

Bittrex only sorry <3
Ready For Premium Binance Signal👇👇
BUY #EVX UNDER 3160032300 SELL TARGET 3550040000
Ready For Premium Binance Signal👇👇
👉BUY #OST UNDER 44504620 SELL TARGET 50505700🚀
Also help us grow the channel and share with your friends
Ready For Premium Binance Signal👇👇
👉BUY #FUEL UNDER 14501550 SELL TARGET 16901900🚀
👉BUY #CDT UNDER 10001080 SELL TARGET 11801370🚀
👉BUY #AION UNDER 3920040500 SELL TARGET 4450050000🚀
Ready For Premium Binance Signal👇👇
BUY #YOYO UNDER 16001670 SELL TARGET 18502100🚀
Coin Alert!🚨

Hello everyone, we have been working hard behind scenes with MintCoin. We are proud to
announce a complete coin overhaul!
The Dev team will release a new website, whitepaper, wallet, update the code, Plant trees, and possibly host a coin burn. This coin will be revolutionary as it pushes for a greener earth and sustainability worldwide. If you can get mint under 200 satoshi, that would be a bargain! You can hold your coins in the mint
wallet and start minting or hold them and watch their value pass the dollar mark within the
coming years.
This coin is a buy and HODL. In the next 2 weeks we will see lot of growth with this eco-friendly coin.🚀

Mintcoin is available on Cryptopia, get it now!

You can buy Mintcoin Here:
Cryptopia - Exchange
Crypto-Currency Trading, Forum and Marketplace platform.
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The account of the user that created this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If the account of the creator remains inactive in the next 19 days, it will self-destruct and the channel will lose its creator.
The account of the user that created this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If it remains inactive in the next 10 days, that account will self-destruct and this channel will no longer have a creator.