Moon Pumps
2 subscribers
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DEX crypto pumps community
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We are sorry for inviting you without your permission. Unfortunately, it is pretty hard nowadays to promote a fair project. I will describe quickly what's up below. Thanks for attention:

🌑 We are Crypto Pump community.
🌑 We don't sell anything, we don't have any type of payed services and will NEVER have.
🌑 We are speculating the market and describing on channel why and how we always stay in profit. So can do you.

Thank you for your attention and sorry again for this "unfair marketing move" with inviting you to our community. Have an awesome day is any way.

A few words about our team:

We are a team that has been involved in crypto for 5 years.
And now we are pumping prices for coins.
The success is confirmed by our results.
Elon Musk did it with Dogecoin.
And we are definitely not worse!
From 300% to 1000% 🚀 of each pump
We are expanding our community and giving you the opportunity to participate in pumps with us!
The more participants, the better the result!