DeepLock 🧿 - Announcements
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DeepLock 🧿 Announcement Channel
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Dear $DEEP community 💥


Automatic Distribution of remaining Private Sale tokens (750k): 28th of March, 20:00 UTC.

Limited time LP Staking (with high rewards) Launching on 28th of March, 18:00 UTC.

Join the discussion here:

DeepLock 🧿

For Limited time.

You find it here:

Everyone can stake— Unstake at anytime.

How to Stake LP tokens?

On PancakeSwap go to Liquidity Tab —> Add liquidity —> Add DEEP + BNB and you get LP tokens. Use those LP tokens to stake here:

APR to be added in stats. Rewards: 0.2 DEEP per block. Running for 10 days.

Join the discussion here:
💥 First audit is done of the $DEEP token and our Token Locking Platform (

As expected: Status: PASSED (No high/medium severity issues found). It will be published on the auditors website tomorrow, and a link to the audit will be published here too.

Further audits currently in progress.
💥 First audit is now done and has been published—for both Token Locking Platform and the token itself.


You can find it here:

Second one still in progress (from another auditor).
CoinMarketCap next!
⚡️⚡️ We just got listed on Delta App Coin Tracker!

Now you can easily find $DEEP in your Delta iOS and Android app.
Update: The Staking Pool has now been replenished. You can now withdraw your pending LP Staking Rewards.
⚡️⚡️ Staking is now open!

694K $DEEP staked until now!

Staking closes in 23 hours.

Stake here: 👉
987K $DEEP staked until now!

Staking closes in 10 hours!

Stake here: 👉
Staking is officially closed!

1.18M $DEEP staked.

We hope all of you that wanted to participate had the time to do it!
Forwarded from X (CM)
Did you manage to stake your $DEEP?
Final Results
No (I totally missed it 😩)
An announcement will be made in approximately 20 minutes.
$DEEP V2 LP Staking is now LIVE! High rewards 🔥🔥🔥

We have finally launched LP Staking for V2 Liquidity on PancakeSwap, we have also removed all the deposit and withdrawal fees.

The initial APR is very high to incentive people to add liquidity on PancakeSwap V2, but will go down over time, as more people start to stake.

Current APR: 4000%+ 🚀
No deposit or withdrawal fees.

Access it here:

Instructions on how to migrate V1 liquidity to V2 on the same page.

Good luck!
You are now able to buy $DEEP on PancakeSwap V2 too 👍
Small update:

Due to the bear market being in full swing, we've decided to hold on the IDO Platform part. It doesn't make sense to launch the IDO platform in the current market conditions.

We've made some UI updates to the Token Locker in the last months to make it easier to use:

However, we've unfortunately found a small bug in the code that prevent us to extract the fees that each project pays, which means we don't get any fees and not able to distribute a part of them to the community. We're looking to deploy a new version soon.
Don't panic! We're currently updating the domain, the new domain will be up and running very soon.

All locked tokens and LP tokens are safe

Stay tuned.
It's now up and running again!