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No matter how badly someone treats you, never drop down to their level.

Remain Calm

Stay Strong

And Walk Away



When things go wrong,

When the road you’re trudging seems all up hill,

When care is pressing you down a bit,

Rest if you must, but don’t you quit..


Before you say something to someone,
Always think about how you'd feel if someone told you the same thing..


Be The Best Version Of You..




You are doing all that you can.

Look at how far you’ve come.

Look how strong and resilient you are.

No current situation or challenge can hold you down.

You are too powerful.

Remember why you started and where you’re headed.


Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.

(Brian Tracy)


Be gentle with yourself

You are doing the best you can..


Be the person who breaks the cycle

If you were judged, choose understanding.
If you were rejected, choose acceptance.
If you were shamed, choose compassion.

Be the person you needed when you were hurting, not the person who hurt you.
To be better than what broke you, to heal instead of becoming bitter
so you act from your heart, not your pain..




It is okay to NOT KNOW


It is not okay to NOT TRY


Let them judge you
Let them misunderstand you
Let them gossip
about you

Their opinions aren’t your problems

You stay kind

No matter what they do or say,
You shouldn’t doubt your worth or the beauty of your truth..


We all have the ability to achieve great potential if we discover our passion, and focus on our strengths.

(Albert Einstein)


Always choose . . .

to heal, not to hurt.

To forgive, not to despise.

To persevere,not to quit.

To smile,not to frown.

And to love,not to hate.


It always seems
Until it is


Always choose . . .

to heal, not to hurt.

To forgive, not to despise.

To persevere,not to quit.

To smile,not to frown.

And to love,not to hate.




Who is HELPING you
Don’t FORGET them

Who is LOVING you
don’t HATE them

Who is TRUSTING you
don’t CHEAT them


Before you say something to someone,
Always think about how you'd feel if someone told you the same thing..


Everyone makes mistakes, but admit your own before you point out someone else's.
