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4F, 279-281 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
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Recorded live at 宀 on August 25th 2023

Mr. Ho’s 宀 residency gave us yet an another glorious nights last summer. A sort of a natural born league of his own, we had the wonderful Knopha, Xiamen’s DJ extraordinaire and an important club music voice of China.

We’re not just giving out the “voice” title easily, it’s more that Knopha really speaks in tongues when it comes to all the styles, genres, fantasies and snippets of reality he incorporate in his sets so this naturally resonated with many.
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保加利亞山脈鍛造,於倫敦、布里斯托、曼徹斯特、柏林醞釀,由神秘嘅基輔 Brave Factory Festival 壓軸埋齋到 Waking Life 嘅日出,Carl H 同 Jane Fitz’s 嘅 b2bs 既係 DJ set 又係馬戲亦都係離幻之旅。

Forged on a Bulgarian mountain, matured in fields and warehouses in London, Bristol, Manchester and Berlin, and now elevated to mythical status from closing Kyiv’s Brave Factory festival to the sunrise at Waking Life, Carl H and Jane Fitz’s b2bs are part DJ set, part circus and part psychedelic adventure.

📅 March 29th
23h - Late
🎫 HKD250 Advance (Sold Out)
🎟️ HKD300$ door
仲記得上次 Tre Turner 嘅黑膠之夜令我哋大開眼界、目不暇給之餘亦手舞足蹈,佢就好似係鴨寮街游走各收賣佬檔攤尋寶嘅獵人咁,如果用 Jane Fitz 嚟做比喻嘅話 Jane Fitz 就好似喺瑪雅文明入面掘出奇珍異寶嘅考古學家,而 Tre Turner 就係嗰啲游走市井,喺接近地下黑市游走搜索滄海遺珠、都市傳說般嘅黑膠獵人,而佢放上唱盤嘅每一隻黑膠都係嗰類被大部分人棄置卻係佢眼中充滿「無用之用」。

Last time Tre Turner did an all-nighter, we were positively screaming, gaping mouth, eyes as wide as teacups, falling in love with 宀 dancefloor all over again. It's gonna end in tears, he practically makes us jealous and we’re not shy to say it.

Tre is a golden boy, even though he's predominantly digging through trash.

Let us explain, If Jane Fitz vinyl collection is of huge value, representing unreleased, ridiculously expensive and extremely rare records - apart from also being a masterful DJ, Tre Turner appears as a high concept artist, since all of the records you'll hear would practically be dug out from the bottom of the crate. The forgotten shit nobody reaches out for

Can you imagine how much absolute junk you have to go through, to create a vinyl only 7+ hours long DJ set of absolute banging beauties?

If “unadulterated” was an actual word we would use in our copy, it would sum this up perfectly

ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡɪʟᴅ, ꜱᴛᴀʏ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʀᴀᴢʏ

📅 March 30th
23h - Late
🎫 HKD100 before midnight
🎟️ HKD150$ door
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Come April, come fools!

First weekend it's about birthdays: Chengdu’s heroic TAG. is celebrating 11th anniversary hosting a full-blown rave at 宀 followed by Entropy 熵 celebrating 10 years of π electronics! Let them eat all the cake, happy birthday

HEX is back with Joe Delon underarm, a unique blend of both catharsis and uncurable chill, hosted by Xiaolin it's a night of romance and impossibly romantic plot twists 👀

Beloved by masses, Kalahari Oyster Cult's big guy Rey Colino is colonizing dancefloor yet again, dude constantly pops up on wishlists, scratching that very particular itch you’ve been telling me about.

A few chef's recommendations this month, PRIORI certainly being one of them, it's underground techno with a saucy twist as recognized by many (Dekmantel mix been on repeat)

Distrikt finally deciding to have a family affair kind of a night, hosting this unabashed sleepover party, within a well-known circle, around imaginary fire that still keeps you warm and well-fed!

Before the month is absolutely smashed by another raunchy Host with angels Coco Cobra and Kimmah, regular programming ends in another mind-boggling special 👇

We're talking equal parts crafts, equal parts wizardry, equal parts uncompromising taste level. The selector giant Lena Willikens is in Hong Kong for the first time, carrying her surprise box full of whatthefucks and wonders beyond words! We’re stupid proud to be able to make it happen

You might think we're joking but we're really hard for April, drop by for a swordfight
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喺成都心臟地帶某座高樓大廈中嘅廿一樓,蘊藏住一股由當地本土群體組成嘅力量,獨當一面嘅文化同風格從未考慮過隨波逐流地跟著歐美節拍擺動,十年嚟成班人一齊喺未涉獵過嘅地圖探索跳舞音樂同派對嘅可能性,推動到成都整個 scene 嘅完整性(所謂嘅造大個餅大家食),佢獨角獸般嘅存在反而吸引到嚟自世界各地嘅過客到訪,進入一個能俯瞰整個都市嘅海市蜃樓卻「夢裏不知身是客」。

We consider TAG to be the perfect example of a club that has masterfully built a tight community and a worldwide renowned rave space without falling into the Euro-centric rave model traps. From day one, they have done things their own way, and their decade-long existence carved a new path/ possibility for clubs in Asia to explore. We are very proud to be part of their 10th-anniversary celebration.

The club is located in the heart of Chengdu on the 21st floor and is known for their all-night raves and creative curation, their annual events are a staple part of Chengdu nightlife. To celebrate, Hakkalen, the “mother” of TAG, is bringing along to 宀 Hao, a Berlin-based DJ from the LGBTQ techno party “Seafood,” as well as Lawrence Lee from A7A Records

📅 April 5th
23h - Late
🎫 HK$100 before midnight
🎟️ HK$150 after midnight
喺人工智能同演算法支配住人類社交媒體嘅時代,Welt Discos 嘅話事人 Joe Delon 仍然選擇喺私人電子郵件訂閱方式去分享喺唔同人群孤島之間建立橋樑用佢發掘到嘅新音樂寶藏同趣味拉近彼此之間嘅距離,有時佢更加會放低佢部電腦脫離網絡世界嘅魔爪喺現實世界打破人與人嘅隔膜,而曾經喺聖殿 Berghain中嘅 Panorama Bar 以舞蹈傳道嘅佢將與曉霖聯同大家一齊踏上幻之旅。

In age when social media has become the norm for promoting oneself or one's party, and when everyone is trying to figure out how to outsmart algorithms, it's exciting to see Joe Delon's rise in popularity, not on Instagram, but in real life music and clubbing community.

Joe is a DJ, owner of Welt Discos label, radio host, and writer based in Lisbon. Instead of chasing followers on social networks, he decided to take a step back and started a paid email newsletter, where he expertly discusses the new music he finds and enjoys, DJ sets that inspire him, and anything else that would interest the close-knit community he has built and that finds his work so rewarding.

Fortunately, he sometimes leaves his computer behind and travels the world to preach, and to share fantastic music he finds.

Joe's warm approach has brought him to respected clubs such as Berghain/Panoramabar in Berlin, Blitz in Munich, as well as numerous queer parties like Adonis in London, Honcho in Pittsburgh, Kiss Me Again in Manchester, Los Ninos in Brussels, Por Detroit in LA, and Snug in Hanoi.

📅 April 12
23h - Late
🎫 HK$100 presale / door before midnight
🎟️ HK$150 door after midnight
我地將迎接一個只有黑膠嘅星期六,由少少古怪但好豔麗嘅 Rey Colino 主導舞池,陽光、Acid、沉重嘅節拍令您仿如沙灘中嘅一粒貝殼。由 Vence 同葉尚謙呢兩位 VG+ 嘅主理人迎戰,信心保證。

We're in for a feel good weekend, this time on vinyl 🍭

The man of many operations and a strong drive to please, slightly eccentric and certainly musically flamboyant: Rey Colino is hitting the dancefloor this Saturday with everything he's got, and you know he’s packing

VG+ is hosting a night of sun bleached house, acid bleached electronics, and basy lines giving you acid reflux AND heart palpitations - you know you're in 🐚

Men of hospitality, Vence @soundofvence and Sunsiaré @sunsiare_ are also contributing to this tour de force swag machine, and that's how you know we're safe for the night,

come early

📅 April 13
23h - Late
🎫 HK$100 presale / door before midnight
🎟️ HK$150 door after midnight
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We've been continously hosting these standalone giants, who carved out their own niche (niche being too small of a word), and went on to become sort of festival circuit and underground club legends along the way 

We’re issuing a continent wide warning for 𝗝𝗢𝗛𝗡 𝗧𝗔𝗟𝗔𝗕𝗢𝗧 & 𝗢𝗠𝗔 𝗧𝗢𝗧𝗘𝗠 𝗔𝗟𝗟-𝗡𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧-𝗥𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗟𝗥𝗜𝗘𝗦

Men of many ideas and reincarnations, balancing the arts of tension and release, aiming for somewhere between head-through-wall risk taking and euphoria inducing hymns for the people, a guaranteed 6+ hours housemusic edging masterclass, we’re pounding the alarm, you’re gonna get wet 💦  

📅 May 4
23h - Late
🎫 HK$250 presale
🎟️ HK$300 door
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由小提琴樂手到 HEX/HEXSCAPES 主理人再到寫歌之人然後變成宀嘅駐場紮根,近排更加以個人演繹梅艷芳嘅尋愛(竹内まりや - プラスティック・ラブ 嘅廣東版)喺歐洲同日本掀起小風波,今個禮拜五邀請大家一齊慶祝曉霖嘅「十八歲生日」。

Previously introduced as a HEX/HEXSCAPES founder, a violinist, a composer and 宀 booth mainstay, but now we're rolling into 𝒾𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓃𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓁-𝓅𝑜𝓅-𝓈𝑒𝓃𝓈𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃 territory, and on top, it's her 𝟣𝟪𝓉𝒽 𝒷𝒾𝓇𝓉𝒽𝒹𝒶𝓎, so you do what you want with that (and by do what you want I mean come blow candles and eat cake with hands)

Approaching XIAOLIN's all night birthday journey vortex, both maniacal laughter and shoegaze dancing, both a sugar rush and a cozy evening with friends, both your hands in the air and your arms around someone's waist.

Happy birthday Oli, let’s get trippy

📅 May 10
23h - Late
🎫 HK$100 presale / door before midnight
🎟️ HK$150 door after midnight

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