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Joyful Kindness Gathering β€’ Art series co-created by Megan Elizabeth Morris with the gracious imagining textures of Midjourney AI

Facilitate flow: paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles (Gratitudes, diolchgarwch, agradecimientos).

More about this artwork: t.me/IntuitiveGallery/239

Read: t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/11331
Today's classes have been epic!

Tell your friends and colleagues to follow t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio.

If you've enjoyed these educational experiences, there's an important way you can help us out. Read on for more information.

Max has been spending all resources and physical energy on supporting the network for many years now. Today, partly because of the ways she's extended herself to include network assets in her energy expenditures, she is in a precarious situation.

An immediate move is necessary to assist her detoxifying from a very complicated, long-term mercury poisoning condition. The very smallest amount with which we can take action is $1000, which covers fuel for the drive (and the return trip for our driver) plus the (exorbitant) highway tolls along our route.

This $1000 is needed to relocate (protect and preserve) our community infrastructure as she makes the move β€” and then our resources (and her functions!) will open up considerably.

It does not allow her to bring all the infrastructure, which we hope will be able to be moved after she has reached her destination. It does transition the most important, most crucial parts of the infrastructure, which is a considerable win. Meanwhile, we can significantly assist (and literally save the life of her body) by getting her and the basic infrastructure relocated as quickly as can be possible.

Yes, offers of other forms of assistance are very welcome. Private message t.me/maxmorris to ask how you can help and to make suggestions.

More financial help than this $1000 is gratefully accepted β€” but if we can find this first $1000, it will allow us to make major changes and secure Max's and others' physical safety in ways we've been prevented from till now.

Our locational network is growing in amazing ways. Locations in Colorado have been secured and are now being gradually developed, which is really exciting. Max's current location in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania has healed and expanded beautifully since her work began there, even despite the current challenges that unfortunately still prevent her recovery. More Intuitive Recovery locations are growing all over the world, interconnected with Intuitive Public infrastructure and being nourished magnificently by our private group work and public media organizing.

The investment Max has made in this network has been considerable and at great risk to her personally. We'd like to make this investment in her safety and well-being so that we can all continue this work together.

This is how Intuitive ensures that sex trafficking survivors can find assistance β€” rectifying circumstances of severe disability caused by criminal organizations and building beautiful, thriving, multi-generational communities.

We have no where else found a resource like this; no one else is doing it.

Sex trafficking survivors who have been targeted with extreme disablement are typically abandoned for dead.

They're all around you, if you know how to look.

But now they will have people to care about them, community to engage with, collaborations to foment, and increasingly, safe locations to recover in.

Will you please spread this message far and wide β€” for Max, and for the network β€” and help us take this next step?

Amazing solutions are unfolding.

If you can send donations directly to paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles, please do so. If you need another avenue for sending financial support, or if you'd like to coordinate another form of support, message Max directly at t.me/maxmorris.

Thank you for reading, sharing, praying, and believing.

We're glad you're with us. We're with you, too.

Gratitude and blessings.

β€”the Intuitive Invisibles of this Intuitive Community Network

Artwork: t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/11332


Committed, aware guardians required in trust-building for private anti-traffic conference series.

Guardians are immediately requested in every location as well as online.

Join t.me/IntuitiveTraffic public chat to learn more and participate: t.me/+y74zXuxRc0g2MjUx

Always follow t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio and make sure you are part of our main public chat at t.me/CommunityIPR.

Always follow Mack's Memo by email at intuitivepublicradio.substack.com.

If you are a trainer, follow t.me/IntuitiveIntensive and the public chat at t.me/+bH1HP47VEKE3OWFh to be involved in training coordinations for this effort.

If your position is sensitive so that joining a public chat is not possible for you at this time, send a private direct message to t.me/MaxMorris for onboarding.

Secure trust-building and high-touch training conferences are scheduled in multiple different Intuitive network locations to establish effective survivor-led anti-trafficking measures worldwide.

Build trust with us via Telegram messenger by joining our conversation in the comments and public chat at t.me/IntuitiveTraffic (see public chat link above).

Make sure to join the spaces listed, especially including t.me/CommunityIPR, t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio, and our email newsletter + audio platform found at intuitivepublicradio.substack.com/subscribe, as the information shared in these locations is crucial to your contextual understanding of how we proceed and how success is achieved.

Conference dates and locations will be revealed secretly only to the most effective and consistent trust-builders.

Expect to work for it. All those who fall short are either not serious, or are some form of trafficking victims/survivors themselves -- who need our collectively activated assistance.

Guardians must be available and consistently trust-building for each in-person conference to move forward; only in this way is progress possible.

Reach out to volunteer immediately.

If absolutely unable to use Telegram messenger, email max@intuitive.pub.

If you mean to stop the trafficking violence occurring in your own communities and around the planet, show up for this and demonstrate that you intend to make a true difference.

Thank you for reading.

Move surely and swiftly.

"I'd like to co-facilitate a public broadcast at [ Intuitive public broadcast channel on Telegram messenger ]. How can I schedule and get started?"
Hola, Intuitiva Intensiva!

We are in search of professionals interested to ensure the safety of vulnerable individuals experiencing severe physical abuse through toxemia.

When someone is physically abused using toxemia, there is nowhere for them to go for help because the usual establishment resources have been influenced to disbelieve reports of toxemia.

Virology or contagion narratives, for instance, the false covid narrative, are used to force inappropriate or harmful interventions on people who report toxemia.

This violently silences and often permanently kills the most sensitive individuals, including those who have been actively forced into sex trafficking.

Many sex trafficking survivors across the worldwide Intuitive network are being directly killed using toxemia -- then harvested for sex trafficking when the local human trafficking organizations wish to take advantage of this commodity.

So that we may build together the most honorable community bodies, it's important for us to ensure that survivors in our midst are not continually submitted to these violent conditions.

Where should a survivor go for help to get away from their physical abusers?

Where should a survivor go for help to get away from sex traffickers?

Please help us answer this question by tuning closely to this conversation, and participating in every way you find you can.

Hello, friends!

We are seeking guests from all walks of life, diverse lived experiences, or professional expertise to speak to grade school children about how to learn a skill.

We plan to practice together too!

We are arranging learning visits at our school location, by field trip to other locations, and through recordings shared virtually on the Internet.

We are especially interested in learning from SCOUTS and from artists, storytellers, and experts who know about: 

Water and Regenerative Living
Growing Food and Medicine 
Self care and Wellness 
Swimming and first aid
Safety and self defense 
Sewing Textiles
Building and Repairing
Auto Mechanics
The Arts and Self Expression 

Please suggest to us a subject you are familiar with that you could share to help our classmates learn new, meaningful, activating skills that can grow with them as they continue to learn and achieve in their lives.

Reach out to t.me/MaraBird on Telegram to connect and make a plan with us!

Thank you for bringing your strength and knowledge to support our young community members! 

We are their village.

"The plain fact is that the planet does not need more successful people. But it does desperately need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of every kind. . . It needs people of moral courage willing to join the fight to make the world habitable and humane."
David Orr

How do I connect to Intuitive network private radio streams?

Intuitive network supports community members in building private process spaces for individual private broadcasts and group dialogue.

As you learn and grow with Intuitive network community members, you will notice opportunities to join one another in these private process, private broadcast spaces.

When there is a lock icon at the beginning of a chat title, that chat is private and should never be shared elsewhere without specific permission.

A chat with a lock on it may also be a secret community resource.

Beyond our private access content, we have built Intuitive secret radio infrastructure to especially safeguard regenerative processes -- which then allows us to flow nutrients through our communities in especially powerful ways.

Secret invitations can appear in a public or private space -- and then after a short time, may disappear!

When you see one, you may like to respond to it at your earliest opportunity in order to be involved in the secret dialogue and project work being facilitated.

Often a secret pathway invitation will only be mentioned once, not to be opened again until that project is finished with its secret process designation.

Our most exciting and profound process collaborations happen in the Intuitive secret frameworks we've established.

To receive invitations to connect to Intuitive secret radio streams, subscribe to Mack's Memo (Intuitive Public Radio) on Substack.

To receive even more invitations to connect to Intuitive secret radio streams, become a paid subscriber at intuitivepublicradio.substack.com or reach out to us directly to request a comped subscription.

Public, private, and secret media collaborations are useful modes of co-creation, each facilitating a different set of important solutions.

Private and secret community resourcing provide us with secure communications and protected relationship building resources -- vital assets in the work we do together.

We experience powerful benefits from this practice.

We invite you to practice with us.

t.me/IntuitivePrivate/76 β€’ t.me/IntuitiveSecret/7 β€’ t.me/IntuitiveMedia/461 β€’ t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/11566
Class Anniversaries β€” today and upcoming!

Did you attend this class with us? Come catch up if you missed it! β€’ Were you there the year this class aired? β€’ Take a look at these class anniversaries and join our reflection celebrations.

25 June 2021 β€’ 13. Phone & Keyboard Volunteers For Relocation Efforts, Emergency Broadcast (25 June 2021) β€’ Listen: t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/8225

28 June 2021 β€’ 14. For Immediate Release & Intuitive Community (28 June 2021) β€’ Listen: t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/8226

7 July 2021 β€’ 15. Traffic Safety for Caring Communities (7 July 2021) β€’ Listen: t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/8578

7 July 2021 β€’ 16. Intuitive Public Radio's Invitation to Intuitive Community (7 July 2021) β€’ Listen: t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/8579

9 July 2021 β€’ 17. Anonymous Author Shares On The Subject Of Epistemic Exploitation (9 July 2021) β€’ Read, watch, & listen: t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/8580

Find us in t.me/CommunityIPR to chat about lessons we've learned and skills we're building.

Blessings and gladness, Intuitive friends!

Do you want sex trafficking survivors to be able to tell you what happened? β€’ COME TO CLASS β€” and PAY ATTENTION. β€’β€’β€’ IntuitivePublicRadio.substack.com β€’ Join our Telegram classroom at t.me/CommunityIPR to introduce yourself to a community committed to eliminating human trafficking pathways from community spaces worldwide. β€’ t.me/IntuitiveTraffic/2503 β€’ t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/11652 β€’ t.me/RadioPublicaIntuitiva/2222
Linda Kohanov: The Tao of Equus

πŸ—“οΈ 6/9/07 β€’ πŸ•‘ 53:27 β€’ πŸ“ 26 MB

Podcast: Attunement: Deep Conversations
Author: Linda Kohanov and Anthony S Wright PhD

Web player: https://podcastaddict.com/attunement-deep-conversations/episode/84374019
Episode: http://www.attunement.biz/AttunementMain/podcasts/l.kohanov.6.28.07.web.mp3

A Woman's Journey of Healing and Transformation Through the Way of the Horse

Max here.

One of the things I love about Lainie Liberti's work is that it maps beautifully onto what is required for the recovery and neurological repair of people of all ages who have experienced neurological violence.

Neurological damage and traumatic brain injury result in parts of the brain being set back to a baby or child state; maybe not the whole brain, in many cases, but parts of the brain's processing that even as an adult may now have to start from scratch and learn again how to make more complex and resilient adult discernments.

When this happens, the way that person's environment "parents" them means everything about whether or not they can get through it to restore their life and livelihood.

The way Lainie describes partnership parenting, worldschooling, and child-rearing altogether are ESSENTIAL comprehension for ANYONE working to recover from brain injury, AND for their loved ones & community members to practice in order to provide effective support.

When I say brain injury or neurological injury, I'm referring to situations of blunt head trauma, yes; and also crucially, injuries from poisoning and other forms of trauma the brain experiences.

For all those with brain and neurological injuries out there who have been told they would never recover fully (or at all)... really, we have felt that it's work like Lainie's, particularly, that is usually missing from the equation.

Considering how widespread and unrealized neurological injury is across populations, EVERYBODY should be reading Lainie's work and supporting her.

Important to note -- Lainie's modalities are also imperative for stopping and preventing human trafficking, which heavily relies upon causing neurological injuries that are invisible, unrecognized, mischaracterized, or that no one believes can be recovered from.

Here's Lainie's conversation with Demi Pietchell at t.me/StarfireCodes --


...and my note on Substack (please follow if you're over there, and join us if you aren't yet) --


Great pleasure to have watched this and part 2 today.

Thank you, ladies.
