Dual Universe Deutsch
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Dieser Telegram-Channel wird ab April 2020 nicht mehr mit News versorgt, bleibt aber für Gespräche und Diskussionen bestehen. Hauptgrund ist der Aufwand für die Pflege mehrerer Kanäle mit fast deckungsgleichen Inhalten.
Als Alternative zu diesem Channel steht ein Discord-Server für den Austausch bereit. Es gibt dort auch in Zukunft laufend News-Nachschub und die Möglichkeit eines Austauschs via Text- und Voicechats.
Hi Noveans,

Following the recent events related to the COVID-19 virus, Novaquark promptly took actions to protect its staff and prepare as best as possible with its partners and outsourcers. Some of you have already expressed your concerns regarding our staff and the recent outbreak of COVID-19, and we thank you for that.

Currently, there are no reported cases of the coronavirus in any of our staff, and both studios are committed to keeping our team healthy by issuing everyone to work from home. We hope this will not have a major impact on production, and we will do our best to keep on with our current plans.

Now, moving on from one bad bug to another. We’re sure that you’re all aware that last week’s server test was canceled due to server issues. We understand your frustrations, and we are currently investigating this issue. Once this is resolved, we will be looking to open the servers more during this trying time. We know that a lot of you are stuck at home due to quarantine, and would love to play Dual Universe. We’re doing everything we can in our power to make this a possibility.

We thank you once again for your understanding, and we hope that you all stay safe.
Dies war der letzte Inhalt zu Dual Universe in diesem Kanal. Informiert und tauscht Euch gerne weiterhin aus auf http://discord.jasondugs.de -- Die Telegram-Kanäle selber bleiben noch eine Weile bestehen. Herzlichen Dank für das konstruktive Miteinander bis hierhin. Passt auf Euch auf und bleibt gesund. :-)
The owner of this channel has been inactive for the last 11 months. If they remain inactive for the next 29 days, they may lose their account and admin rights in this channel. The contents of the channel will remain accessible for all users.
The owner of this channel has been inactive for the last 11 months. If they remain inactive for the next 7 days, they may lose their account and admin rights in this channel. The contents of the channel will remain accessible for all users.