شبکه جهانی "من زینبی ام" 9⃣ I am Zainabi
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سلام علیکم،
🔴 خانمهای عزیزی که موافقند ما همه تلاش خودمون رو بکنیم تا یکی از گردان های آن ۵۰ زن در رکاب مهدی فاطمه(س) باشیم سریعتر در پی وی پیام دهند لطفا

✍️ محمدی، مدیر و موسس "شبکه جهانی اربعین مهدوی"

Salam alaikum,

🔴Those dear ladies, who are agree that we do our best to be one of the battalions of those 50 women in the footsteps of Hazrat Fatemeh's Mahdi(aj) please send me a message in pv soon


In whatsupp:

✍️ Mohammadi, the founder and administer of "Global Network of Mahdavi Arbaeen"


📣 Note:

We have a special group for the discussion of scholarly women in order to create a foundation for Faraj, which you must be very active in it. If you want to participate in the discussions, please send this announcement to my pv


✍️ Mrs. Mohammadi, the founder and administer of the 'Global Network of Mahdavi Arbaeen'


🔴 توجه/Notice

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

سلام علیکم
بانوان عزیز، اگر مایلید بنده در زمینه:
ازدواج و
به شما مشاوره خصوصی بدهم،
لطفا کل مطلب تون رو
همراه این هشتک 👈 #مشاوره
در پی وی ارسال بفرمایید
تا به ترتیب نوبت
⬅️ رایگان در خدمت تون باشم

مدیر و موسس "شبکه جهانی اربعین مهدوی"

Salam alaikum
Dear ladies, if you want me to give you a consultation in the fields of:
marriage and
how you should deal with your hasband

Please send your entire issue
along with this hashtage 👉 #consultation
to my pv


شبکه جهانی "من زینبی ام" 9⃣ I am Zainabi
🔴📣 بخشی از احکام صهیونیست‌های جلاد از کتاب تلمود ▪️شرح و تفسیرهای گوناگونی بر تورات نوشته شده که همه آنها جمع آوری شده و به اضافه چند کتاب دیگر در کتاب مخوفی به نام «تلمود» یعنی تعلیم دیانت و آداب یهود، جمع آوری شده‌اند که برای یهود، هم ردیف تورات یا بالاتر…
📣🔴 A part of the cruel Zionist orders from the book of Talmud

Various explanations and interpretations have been written on the Torah, all of which have been collected and, in addition to a few other books, they have been collected in a terrible book called "Talmud", which means the teaching of Jewish religion and customs, which for Jews is on the same level as the Torah or above it.

The following anti-human rules are from the Talmud.

- If you see a non-Jew/gentile, kill as much as you can, if such a thing is within the power of a Jew and he does not do it, he has committed a crime.
- There is a reward for killing a Christian, but if someone cannot kill him, at least do the preparations for killing him.
- Because the Jews are equal to the glory of God, the whole world and everything is their property and they have the right to have complete control over it.
- Violating one's honor or family is unimpeded because infidels are like animals, and animals have no matrimonial laws/no right to marry. A Jew has the right to usurp unbelieving women (non-Jewish/gentile women), and commiting adultery with a non-Jew is not subjected to punishment.
- Stealing from a Jew is forbidden and it is permissible from a non-Jew/gentile, just as humans have virtue over animals, Jews have virtue over other nations.
- The sperm that is produced from a non-Jew is the sperm of a horse.
- Non-Jewish houses are like barns. Whenever a Jew and a foreigner have a complaint, the right must be given to the Jew, even if it is false.
- There is no problem to steal other people's property through usury because God commands you to take usury from non-Jews.
- Don't lend money to non-Jews, unless you get usury, otherwise it is not permissible to lend money to non-Jews.
- We are God's chosen nation and for this reason He created human animals for us because God knew that we need two types of animals; One is incapable of reasoning/logic and non-speaking like quadrupeds and the other is intelligent and talking animals like Christians, Muslims and Buddhists.
- It is necessary for the Jew to buy the property of others so that they do not own the property and there must always be economic domination for the Jew before the Jews gain their full influence and domination.
- Killing a Christian is one of our religious obligations, and making a contract or an agreement with them does not oblige a Jew to fulfill it.
- Just as humans are superior to animals, Jews are superior to other nations.
- A dog is better than a non-Jew, because in festivals one should give bread and meat to a dog, but it is forbidden to give bread to a stranger.
- Foreigners are enemies of God and are like pigs and killing them is permissible.
- Aliens were created in human form to serve the Jews.
- Stealing from a Jew is forbidden and it is permissible from a non-Jew.
- It is permissible for you to make the customs officers faint and swear a lie to him, learn from Rabbi (Samuel).
- The life of others is the property of the Jew, let alone their property. Whenever a non-Jew needs money, the Jew must take so much (usury) and interest from him that he loses all his property.
- Even if a non-Jew is righteous and virtuous, he should be killed.
- It is forbidden/unlawful to save a non-Jew, even if he falls into a well, a stone should be immediately placed over its opening.
- If we kill a foreigner/alien, it is as if we have made a sacrifice in the way of God. If a Jew helps a non-Jew, he has committed an unforgivable sin.
- If a non-Jew is drowning in the sea, you should not save him.
- It is obligatory for Jews to curse Christians three times a day and pray for God to destroy them. It is necessary for us to deal with Christians like animals.

Source: Talmud book

Forwarded from For Imam Mahdi(aj)
🔴📣 A letter for you from the leader, Ayatollah Khamenei


Forwarded from For Imam Mahdi(aj)
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Do you want to know me? Me, Sh ... I am a martyr, the daughter of the martyrs, I am the one who stands against the enemies, I am a gentle flower, I am Palestine
