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✒️ The internet and modern technology are great source of information and has opened up opportunities for people to learn all over the world. Is all information reliable on the internet? What could be done control this information?

Day by day technology is amending,improving rudimentaries on mandkind's knowledge. Originally, creating all new inventions,technological tools are beneficial to humanity's profit. Every instrument holders particular setting or function. The development of the internet is growing up dramatically. Evenly less developed countries also attentive to dispersing internet massengers in their habitat.Furthmore, Internet not everytime cons us. There are plethora informations which are including variety domains for instance social, political, economical, financial too. People are accustoming come across evenly criminal news in society. Each of information may inspire or detect to our adolescents perpesctives. These days per house available contemporary instrument or computer,phones at least. Our generations are bringing up with this tools simeltonously. What I am trying to say it is dilemma to elevate the benefit or affects of using internet now. Internet concludes multitude of knowledges. However it involves all aged seniors to itself. But I absolutely disagree to utilise the internet for awaring social update reforms. The internet dispersing gradeful glears which diminish our brain. According to using long time the internet appear being captive to it reluctant. It will be mesmirise if all of us utilise internet to well intentions. Internet may denigrate our blood circulation, the ability of seeing. One plus side internet is the best opportunity for entreprenours to add their advertisiments. Its easy to worldwide adds through internet sites. Because now many peoples are order to internet news alas. What I mean not only occuring as we wanted situations. Its chance to be aware all world informations through internet but mostly people use it worse purposes. If your aim will supposed the reinforcing some domain internet will be magical stick for you. Neverthless it will devastate your all aids,it will frustrate enermous ideas too. I am convinced that if we use it to consolidate our concepts we will occupate high results without any hesitation. Recaputilate I can say this internet anyway ruins our,yours aspects.You should sense my above views by heart.
Life is a issue, all of solve it himself/herself formula. Did you find your own correct formula?

Written by Shamshod
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✒️ Nowadays people waste a lot of food that was bought from shops and restaurants. Why do you think people waste food? What can be done to reduce the amount of food they throw away?

People's opinions differ as to whether or people dissipate plenty of foods that was bought from markets or restaurants. This is  one of the controversial issues in our rapidly, changing world. While some experts the idea that superfluous foods are mark of wealthy, others dismiss it as not being wealth. Both sides of the argument superfluous foods judicious ideas. Which will be matured though
On the one hand, benefactors of the supernumerary food as the mark of the wealthy. To begin with it is obvious that everything has two sides, that is pros and cons. Similarly it is possible to edit that waste foods includes both negative and positive effects. It is worth emphasizing that if people decided to have dinner in other restaurants with superfluous foods indeed consumers' foods remained in restaurants this consumer might take superfluous foods for poor family. Other countries produce special laws for own of spend superfluous things and magnificent wedding parties. According to laws this kind of people make answer-able in the legal grounds.
On the flip side others put forward the argument that there is long list of drawbacks of superfluous things as I have mentioned above in today's and 21 century's people really big fan of magnificently celebrate wedding parties due to rife in other words there is no doubt that one of the most obvious disadvantages of waste foods are that superfluous things slandered in our religion. Most of the people predilect celebrate wedding parties with diminutive. as a matter of fact more people undergo some problems which is bank on wedding parties' headache problems as a result of determinations increase day by day. It is often claimed that magnificence  and superfluous things never bring  happiness and luck or more precisely it is regrettable that beggar countries need for foods to eat. It would be more effective providing people make a donation for nursing homes and residential homes in order to help for needly people. Many researchers have found that today's people predilect restaurants' and shop's products especially women
To conclude, there are coherent points on both sides; however I am inclined to believe that superfluous foods are not measuring instrument of wealth or more precisely waste things are not wealth's key.

Written by Akhmadillo
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🖊 Sport continues to be a controversial topic in the school curriculum, just as sport itself has become a controversial industry in some respects. There are valid opinions on both sides, which I will consider now.

On the one hand, some people feel that sport uses up time which could be better spent on academic subjects such as exam preparation. In addition, it might be said that it is unwise to force children to do activities which they have no interest in. After all, some youngsters are just not sporty, and should be allowed to study instead. Finally, there are question marks over the wholesomeness of sport itself, with drugging and corruption scandals increasingly common, as we see in cycling at present. Some people believe that this lack of morals sets a poor example to young people.

On the other hand, though, one major benefit of sport is that it helps children’s physical development at an important stage. If all their time was spent studying, they would become unfit and their minds would eventually suffer. Furthermore, supporters of school sport emphasize the importance of team building in sports such as football or hockey, which is often felt to be an excellent preparation for adulthood. Finally, many people feel that a competitive spirit, so important today, is fostered by sports at an early age. It is notable, for example, that many successful business people excelled in sport at school.

Overall, I feel that sport should be compulsory for school children, because the positive effect on their mental and physical development outweighs the negatives. This is as long as children are given a wide range to choose from, to ensure their interest is high, and that the sports industry itself maintains the highest standards of conduct.

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🖊 ‘Tourism is always a force for good which enables people of different countries to understand each other.’
To what extent do you agree with this idea?

The role of tourism in the world today is widely debated, with some people claiming that it is indeed a force for international understanding. However, I personally do not entirely accept this, and I will explain why in this essay.

Firstly, we must consider the potential negatives of contact between cultures. For example, when western tourists visit untouched parts of the world, their stay causes pollution for local societies. We see this in the litter left at Machu Picchu in Peru, and in the damage to ecology caused by safari tourism in Africa. Furthermore, there are numerous examples of tension between tourists and local cultures, ranging from drunken British tourists in Europe to American ‘spring breakers’ in Canadian or Latin American resorts. In these cases, tourism actually leads to resentment and distrust between nationalities, not better understanding.

A further reason to be wary of this idea is the economic aspect. It is sometimes said that tourism improves international relations because it encourages the flow of money from wealthy to less developed countries. In reality, however, the wealth generated usually stays in the hands of private companies or local officials, and rarely drips down into the population. Many of us have visited less developed nations as tourists, and have witnessed at first hand the poverty that exists outside the confines of the resort hotels. We leave with the impression that our stay has contributed nothing to the lives of those we have observed.

This is not to say that tourism is entirely bad, of course. There are benefits in terms of improving local infrastructure such as roads and airports. But to say that it is ‘always a force for good’ is to ignore the various problems it causes.

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🖊 ‘We should introduce laws to make businesses and state services employ equal numbers of male and female workers in every department or area of the company.’
How far do you support this idea? Give reasons for your answer, and support your essay with ideas and examples from your own experience.

The issue of equality for men and women at work is still widely debated, despite the extensive legislation that now exists in many countries. Personally, I do not feel that imposing a numerical target for gender is a sensible idea, and I will explain why.

Firstly, we have to consider whether equal numbers of men and women really wish to do every job which is available. For example, few women wish to be airline pilots, and only a minority of school teachers are male. If we impose a law on airlines or schools, where will they find the people to fill these posts willingly? Furthermore, there is the huge issue of the existing workforce. Would it be right to dismiss a worker because he or she is of a certain gender, in order to create a statistically perfect balance? The effects would be disastrous for many hard-working people. Finally, I believe we should find ways to encourage equality of opportunity through support and guidance, rather than top-down legislation. For instance, improved child care facilities and subsidies would probably encourage more women into parts of the workforce which may currently be difficult to enter.

I do understand the opposing view, which is that legislation is the quickest and most effective way to achieve gender equality. Nevertheless, I feel that the disruptive effects of ‘overnight’ legislation would destabilise society and hinder many people’s prospects.

Overall, I believe that equality is an excellent goal for society to strive for. Above all, though, I think that this needs to be a gradual process, based on careful support rather than sudden legislation.

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🖊 “Prison is the only truly effective form of punishment, because it separates criminals from society.”
To what extent do you support this view?

There is no doubt that we need to find effective forms of punishment for criminals, and also find ways to protect citizens from the threat of crime. I personally feel that prison is only one of a range of options we should use, and is not always the most effective.

Firstly, I do not accept that all criminals need to be separated from society. Juvenile and minor offenders can be punished through fines, community service or other non-custodial means. This is cheaper than prison, and prevents the damage to the criminal’s family which in itself could generate further social problems. Furthermore, by keeping these small-scale criminals in society, we can try to rehabilitate them, for example through training or education programmes. This will help to reduce re-offending in future.

Besides this, if offenders are believed to be a threat to their fellow citizens, there are ways of containing them such as electronic tagging, curfews or regular reporting to the police. Such methods have been shown to be effective in reducing criminal behaviour and are themselves quite a strong punishment, as they restrict an offender’s freedom greatly. Finally, we should remember that prisons are to some extent ‘schools of crime’ and in many cases prisoners end their jail terms as more capable and determined criminals than when they entered.

Of course, it is true that in certain cases we need to both punish criminals and isolate them from other people. I recognise that violent or dangerous people need to be imprisoned – yet I believe this applies to a small minority of instances.

To conclude, I feel that prison is a last resort in cases where there is no alternative. This does not make it the only effective punishment, but rather the most severe among a variety of possibilities.

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🖊 Cycling is more environmentally friendly than other forms of transport. Why is it not popular in many places? And how to increase its popularity?

Although riding a bicycle is clearly a better way to protect the environment than using other types of vehicles, not many people around the world prefer this means of transport. There are several causes of this unpopularity, and some solutions could be proposed to promote the usage of bicycles.

To begin with, there are several reasons why few people use bicycles to travel on a regular basis. Firstly, since modern life is getting much busier than in the past, individuals nowadays want to spend as little time on transport as possible. Therefore, they prefer to use other types of vehicles such as motorbikes or cars which would take less time. Secondly, cycling is more physically demanding than riding a motorbike or driving a car. This tends to discourage people from choosing this method, especially on a hot and sunny day or when they have to travel a long distance.

Several actions can be taken to increase the popularity of bicycles. The first solution would be to make it more costly to own a motorbike or a car. This can be done by increasing the price of petrol or raising tax on these vehicles. As a result, more people would choose bicycles as their primary means of transport. Additionally, more lanes should be built to serve only cyclists, which would make it much faster to travel with bicycles. The final solution is to launch campaigns to raise citizens’ awareness of the harmful effects of motorbikes and cars on the environment, and this could encourage people to cycle more often.

In conclusion, there are some reasons why bicycles are becoming less common in today’s world, and solutions should be produced early to promote this environmentally friendly means of transport.

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🖊 Some people say that the best way to improve health is to do regular exercise? Discuss this topic and give your own opinion.

Improving overall health and increasing the life expectancy can be connected with doing frequent exercise as the most important method. In my opinion, I consider that exercise is the most effective, whereas I also believe that keeping on a diet is very necessary.
There are the number of lifestyle changes that can make to improve health and increase the life expectancy like quite smoking , reducing stress and doing a regularly exercise. However the most effective and beneficial way to insuring the overall health is attending with the sport. Because, it has been confirming as the key to improving your circulation by many researches and has been practicing as the best method. For example, my brother is very serious about his morning sport, so he has not been a critically ill in his life. In addition, daily exercise can be very efficacious to suppress the psychological disorder such as obesity. Because, while we are doing any exercise or playing sport games, we can reduce the amount of extra flesh in our body which can be cause for overweight.
It is widely known that eating balanced diet can develop the people’s health. For many years, the physicians have been trying to teaching about the benefits of eating nutrient dense foods. Because, they contain the nutrients which can very necessary to keep and improve the health . Another interesting fact is that fiber which is found in cereals, fruits and vegetables, contributes to keeping our digestive system healthy.
In conclusion, regular exercises are the most widely-choosing for developing health. However, it also appears to be favorable to maintaining nutrient diet for health insurance.

Written by Samandar
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✒️ The tradition that family gets together to eat meals is disappearing. What are the reasons? What are the impacts on families and societies?

It is true that modem families do not have meals together as often as in the past. Reasons for this vary, and there are several impacts on both households and the community as a whole.

Family members today rarely eat meals together because of several causes. The hectic work schedule is often considered the main reason why individuals now tend to resort to prepared meals to save time for work. As such, the tradition that parents came back from work to cook lunch for children is no longer preferable in many countries, and this also explains why the fast food industry is developing fast in this country. Another contributing factor is that culinary skills are no longer passed on to younger generations. Food outlets and restaurants today offer a wide range of food choices that can satisfy even fussy eaters, meaning that cooking is not necessarily a skill that young people need to learn to cook for the family.

The gradual disappearance of family meals has several effects. Firstly, having meals with family members is a great chance for them to bond with each other, so parents have less time to talk with their children, and spouses also lose an opportunity to share daily stories. On the social level, some traditions may be lost as a result of people eating out too often. Family values might not be appreciated when people do not feel the need to come back home after work for a meal. On special occasions such as New Year Eve, family feasts serve as an important event, and it is regretful that this tradition is gradually disappearing.
In conclusion, various factors are attributable to the disappearance of family meals. This has several damaging effects on both families and societies.

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✒️ Many people today are worried about ‘cybercrime’ such as hacking and identity theft. What problems does ‘cybercrime’ cause, and what solutions can you suggest for ordinary people and businesses to take?

Cybercrime is a cause of widespread concern today, as so many people use technology to store and transmit sensitive data. There are a number of problems that people suffer as a result of these crimes, but also some straightforward measures we can take to protect ourselves.

Perhaps the worst problem stemming from this is the financial impact. If someone has his or her bank account emptied, or has false credit lines created under their name, they are potentially liable for large sums of money. Even if they can avoid the consequences, their bank or finance company has to cover the losses, which can damage their performance. A further problem is the way in which these stolen funds are used to subsidize other crimes, such as drug distribution or even terrorism. Once the money enters the criminal networks, we have no way of knowing how it will be used. Finally, there is the problem of anxiety and stress caused to the innocent victims of these crimes. The initial shock is often followed by months or years or legal wrangling, paperwork and a sense of insecurity.

Turning to possible solutions, probably the most effective measure is to improve personal security, ranging from passwords to the shredding of documents. This denies the criminals the raw materials to work with. Secondly, we should raise awareness of the risks among the elderly or the very young – two groups who are often specifically targeted – via publicity and public education. Ultimately, however, it is the financial companies who can make the greatest contribution, by increasing their security and detection systems – ideally in partnership with the police.

Overall, the problems caused are both financial and social, and the solutions should involve coordinated action by individuals, corporations and the state.

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✒️ Some people claim that it is acceptable to use animals in medical research for the benefit of human beings, while others argue that it is wrong. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some assert that studies related to drugs should be conducted on animals so as to enhance the general health among people. However, I totally disagree with the point of view that any sort of tests on living creatures would be cruel to the wildlife.

First and foremost, there is no escaping fact that government should do myriad actions to achieve better results in terms of public welfare. But it seems an absurd idea to test new medications on animals. More specifically, most of the animals' organisms do not correspond with humans, meaning that new methods of administering various antibiotics should be structured and enforced for so-called laboratories where animals are entangled in cages. For instance, in some of African countries basic drug researches are being held on volunteers chosen by tribes who live in primitive conditions.

Secondly, after being injected several times animals eventually possess immune to the drugs. As an outcome, even though investigations bear satisfying fruits, no one can assure that how those medicines affect on individual's health at best, and at worst these can lead the public to suffer further problems l, namely cardiovascular diseases or even obesity. Moreover, I opine that it would be completely unacceptable for animal rights, while scientists themselves are trying to preserve animals from extinction and restore the precious fauna.

In conclusion, although the fact that carrying out drug, based tests on wild animals have been the most common way to introduce new medications to the public, I consider it rather biased and prejudiced opinion as animals play essential part in ecological chain.

Written by Shadow 千IᎶ卄ㄒ乇尺
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✒️ In many countries, financial crime involving identity theft is increasing. What are the causes of this trend, and what effect does identity theft have on the victims involved?

There is no doubt that identity fraud is a great concern, especially in western countries where people are most at risk. I think there are two main causes, and a number of damaging effects.

The major cause is probably the almost universal use of digital technology to store financial data and undertake financial transactions. It is surprisingly easy for criminals to obtain personal information about a possible victim, and then to use this information to impersonate the target. Because bank accounts and loans can be applied for digitally, without the need for face-to-face contact, the criminals are able to apply for financial products remotely, often before the victim is even aware of the attack. The second key cause is, I believe, the increasing probability of ‘traditional’ crimes (such as armed robbery, mugging or burglary) being detected. When criminals see the widespread use of CCTV, DNA profiling and fingerprinting, they are less inclined to indulge in such old-fashioned crimes. Rather, they prefer the lower risk and more profitable use of data-based crimes.

The effects on the unfortunate victims can be quite devastating. Firstly, there is the loss of money from bank accounts or by being connected to a fraudulent loan. In some cases, this can take years for the victim to pay back or resolve with the banks and the authorities. Secondly, there is the damage to their credit rating, which means they may find it impossible to obtain legitimate credit in future. In extreme cases, people’s employment prospects can even be damaged as well, as they find themselves profiled as a financial risk.

Overall, the presence of technology and the decline of ‘traditional’ crimes are the key causes behind this trend. The effects on the victims involve long-term financial hardship in many instances.

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✒️ Cycling is more environmentally friendly than other forms of transport. Why is it not popular in many places? And how to increase its popularity?

The unpopularity of using bicycle in numerous places has been brought into question although there is little doubt about its friendly effects on the environment compared to cars or airplanes. The reasons for this are varied and several feasible solutions would be proposed in the essay below.

There are two main underlying explanations for the uncommon use of bicycles. Firstly, it would consume a considerable amount of time to travel by this means of transport, which, according to many, justifies the price of potential environmental damage caused by other types of vehicles. This is because it fails to benefit dwellers of major cities in particular when their pace of working life would eclipse the values of using bicycles to the environment. Secondly, modern people are becoming less concerned about the negative impact that their daily use of cars and public transportation would inflict on their surroundings. Therefore, it is rather impractical to expect cycling in cities, or even the countryside.

The government play a vital role in encouraging the use of this environmentally friendly vehicle. They could conduct monthly green days that by law require citizens to cycle to work to get people involved in protecting their environment. In the long term, such an initiative would help to gradually form a habit of cycling among occupied individuals. More importantly, propagation via various means of media along with optional courses about the advantages of cycling to the environment at schools seem imperative to heighten social awareness of this matter.

In conclusion, cycling, regardless of its positive influences on the environment, has become a rare picture in the modern world for a number of reasons; and the government should take immediate actions to improve this situation.

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✒️ Some people feel that it is always wrong to keep animals in captivity, for instance in zoos. Other people say that there are benefits for the animals and for humans. Discuss both sides of this debate, and give your personal view.

Zoos continue to be controversial, even now that they have evolved into ‘animal parks’ or similar facilities. Most people love animals, and there are strong views on both sides, which I will discuss now.

People opposed to zoos highlight the unnatural way in which animals live in such places. For example, captive animals do not need to hunt or raise offspring, and this means that they are not living as nature intended. Furthermore, the anti-zoo lobby point out that animals probably suffer mentally when kept in captivity, even if their surroundings are spacious and similar to the natural habitat. Symptoms of mental issues range from repetitive behaviour to eating disorders, and these are often seen in captive animals. Lastly, it is often said that zoos add little to animal conservation, which is better served by preserving their habitat.

Conversely, those who support zoos say that in most cases they offer a secure and peaceful setting for animals, for example in high quality wildlife parks or reserves. They add that in many cases, the animals would suffer from loss of habitat or poaching in the wild, and in captivity they are at least safe and able to breed successfully. Finally, zoo enthusiasts feel that zoos and animal parks are part of an integrated system of protecting animals, involving habitat protection, breeding programmes and disease control. This all helps to safeguard endangered species and thus preserve the global ecosystem for the future benefit of all life forms.
Overall, I feel that zoos provide a valuable service to society and the animal world, as they help to protect many species. This outweighs their possible disadvantages, as long as they are properly staffed and maintained.

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✒️ Many people today are worried about young children using video games. What problems might these games cause, for children and society as a whole? How could these problems be reduced?

The almost universal availability of video games among children has presented us with a number of challenges and decisions, none of which are straightforward. I believe there are three main problems associated with these products, and also three remedies we can adopt.

Perhaps the major problem we need to deal with is the level of violence found in these games. Many of them feature aggressive or warlike characters, ranging from soldiers to criminals and killers. This inevitably leads children to believe that such behaviour is normal, or even desirable. A second issue is the obsessive way that some children use the games – for example, preferring their computers to real friendships, making these children isolated and socially naive. Finally, there are physical effects from excessive gaming, including eye strain, insomnia and damage to posture. These can be difficult to reverse once they have taken hold.

Turning to possible solutions, one key step would be to legislate more strictly to control the content of these games. They could, for instance, be reviewed by censors in the same way that films are. This would prevent unsuitable material influencing young minds. To tackle the problem of obsessive use, we could make more counselling and advice available through schools. On the subject of physical side effects, advice on safe use could be included as part of the packaging or even the game itself, so that youngsters are constantly aware of the risks.

To sum up, this is a problem that has both social and physical effects, and the solution will require combined action by manufacturers, schools and authorities.

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✒️ Some people believe that a gap year between school and university is a good idea, while others disagree strongly. Consider both sides of this debate and present your own opinion.

While gap years are increasingly popular, they continue to be rather controversial because the benefits are hard to quantify exactly. There are arguments on both sides of this very topical debate, and I will discuss them now.

On the one hand, opponents of gap years point to the cost involved in areas such as air fares, accommodation and living expenses. All this money has to come from the student’s family, or even from borrowing to be paid later. Secondly, it is often said that gap years take a young person’s focus away from studying, and allows them to get involved in distractions such as travelling. This can make it hard to adjust to university life, damaging the student’s performance. Finally, there is a concern over the safety of young people if they are travelling to remote places. Being kidnapped or mugged is a poor start to an academic career, after all.

On the other hand, supporters of gap years say that the skills learned outweigh the disadvantages. They highlight the independence and assertiveness that a student will acquire, in areas such as time management and interpersonal skills. They also say that these skills lead to greater career success later in life, thus cancelling out the costs involved. Furthermore, there are many examples of young people using gap years to achieve something significant, whether in voluntary work or in a sector of business that interests them.

In conclusion, my own feeling is that a year off can indeed be a useful activity, with the experience leading to improved skills that are invaluable in the future. Of course, this is provided that the year is planned carefully and used for something genuinely worthwhile.

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✒️ In many countries today, there are concerns about the unhealthy lifestyles that people lead. What health issues are linked to modern lifestyles? What answers to these problems can you suggest?

Most people agree that modern lifestyles can be unhealthy, both physically and mentally. I believe there are three main problems, but also some practical steps we can take.

Perhaps the largest problem is the issue of obesity, which is growing drastically in most Western countries. With people working at desks and using transport rather than walking, weight gain seems inevitable, and being overweight causes various medical issues including heart trouble and strokes. Another major problem linked to lifestyle is poor diet, with people who are short of time eating junk food rather than proper nutrients. Resultant health problems range from obesity to high cholesterol and even organ failure. Finally, we must consider the issue of mental health. Modern lifestyles are highly pressurised, with people expected to work at a fast pace for extended periods, and little scope for family life or relaxation, leading to enormous stress and anxiety.

Turning to possible solutions, the biggest step would be to improve the level of education regarding health issues connected to lifestyle, especially obesity. The government, media and schools should work together to raise awareness of the dangers and to promote sports and other positive practices. A further step would be to use legislation to curb the consumption of unhealthy foods, for example by imposing higher sales taxes or by restricting availability in retail outlets. Furthermore, to deal with the psychological impacts, we should encourage employers to adopt more flexible working practices, allowing workers to lead a fuller private life with less stress.

Overall, the key problems of obesity and stress can be addressed through a combination of awareness, targeted legislation and better employment practices.

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✒️ Having police officers patrolling the streets is often considered an essential way to reduce crime. How effective do you think police street patrols are? What other ways of reducing crime can you propose?

We are all keen to reduce crime wherever possible, and the role of visible policing is a hotly debated part of this. Personally, I feel that street patrols are highly effective, although there are several supplementary methods too.

Regarding the effectiveness of patrols, evidence suggests that an increase in police on the streets leads directly to a drop in crime, especially crimes of violence and robbery. This was the experience of New York when it adopted the ‘zero tolerance’ policy in the 1990s, a high-profile policing tactic which has been extended successfully to many other cities worldwide. When compared to other tactics that have been tried, ranging from citizen patrols to CCTV, there is little doubt that assertive police patrolling is the most effective resource we have.

Turning to other methods, we should supplement police patrols with coordinated action elsewhere in the state. For instance, the courts should be prepared to issue deterrent sentences and prisons should be run strictly. This would help to deter people from committing crimes in the first place. Secondly, we should increase the resources available to the police away from the streets as well, for instance in detective and forensic departments, hopefully ensuring that detection rates are high when crimes do occur. Moreover, individuals and businesses should step up their own security arrangements to complement the police presence. For example, improved locks and lighting are simple measures which can reduce theft and burglary.

All in all, I feel that visible police patrols have been proved to be the most effective way to reduce common crimes. Their effectiveness can be maximized by supporting action from elsewhere in the police and justice system, and by private citizens doing their part as well.

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✒️ The consumption of the world’s resources (oil, and water etc.) is increasing at a dangerous rate. What are causes and solutions?

Recently, the rapid consumption of the world’s resources such as oil, fresh water or mineral deposits has inflicted detrimental effects on both human kind and other species. In this essay, some causes and solutions to this issue will be cited.

There are a variety of forces that drive this issue. First of all, the populations in many countries, especially the developing ones have risen tremendously, which speeds up industrialisation to meet the growing demands of the rising number of people. This is clearly reflected in China where hundreds of factories are established and put into operation on a daily basis to accommodate more than 1.3 billion residents. Second of all, the combination of low awareness of the citizens and lax regulations from the government has contributed to the exhaustion of natural resources in many areas. For example, in the middle highland of Vietnam which used to lush with countless species of trees, the forest has now been bare due to these two reasons.

Although this is a thorny issue, it can be dealt with by some methods. The first one is imposing population control. It is my opinion that this should be considered temporary as in the long run, it can create aging population and poor quality labour force. The second solution is raising the awareness of citizens about the importance of preserving and protecting the world’s resources. This can be done by organizing educational programs or school activities. The third is seeking alternative sources of energy. Although this can be risky and incur high costs, it can bring many promising results. In addition, the government can pass and enforce stricter laws, along with impose higher taxes on businesses which operate on the use of resources, however, it can stagnate the economy.

All things considered, the excessive use of resources is caused by many factors and it can be bridled by the aforementioned methods.

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✒️ People work hard and earn money which ideally they would like to retain for themselves. However, a significant portion of this usually has to be given to the state. In my view, it is right that people pay their fair share of taxes.

Money is everything in today’s livelihoods. This is because money is used to buy all the necessities such as food, water, and shelter. Money is also used to help a family’s children in the form of school fees and other activities. In addition to this, people do not only need money to cater for their necessities, but also for future investments. The more that people have to invest, the more they believe they can accumulate in the long term. As a result, many are reluctant to lose some of their income through the deduction of tax.

Nevertheless, citizens should be obliged to pay taxes to the government for a number of reasons. They should accept that the taxes they pay help the government offer them the public services all over the country. These public services are things such as the construction of roads, bridges, public hospitals, parks and other public services. The same tax money helps the country’s economy to be stable. Through taxes, the government can pay off its debts. In short, tax money is a way of ensuring that people have comfortable livelihoods.

In conclusion, even though many people think that they should not pay taxes, that money is useful to the stability of any country. Therefore, people should not avoid paying taxes as it may affect the country’s economy and services that it provides.

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