2 NOT like hearing, misc THAT of Holy intel-info TRUTH is THAT & makes U-ANY of say, USA-global THEM (Klaus Martin Schwab, Gyorgy Schwartz = George Soros & etc ELSE of Deep State, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, annual meetup Davos human rats, Globalists-Elites, George Soros & vast & various Syndicates NEEDING 2 literally DIE ALREADY (B-ing human dust & ash corpses mentioned in Holy Bible CEASE-ABLE weeds amidst a garden) of TOP-down Power (who DON'T outnumber (us?) of so called 'MORE OF' (that's SUPPOSE 2 past historically-2 date actually & MEAN SOMETHING, of importance) BUT sigh huh, apparently NOT with EVERY tick tock 'Time' (flies) daily (day & night) moment that goes by, never mind dying non human innocent Earth STILL, 4 a temporary time - rotating.