Sigh huh, U Behavioral Analysis profiled exhibited ALL connected adult USA-global, whole NECLEUS species-humanity can't B bothered 2 care about Holy retributionary Eyes of Fire, Holy Majesty-King Jesus Christ, eternal Son of Yahweh Jehovah Father God, 3 in 1-1 in 3 Holy Trinity & WITHOUT-NEVER QUESTIONING HIM & B a - the SELF denied internal within drill sergeant, NON voluntary-NON optional TOOL 4 HIM, FINE so B it then, then I DON'T care about U so called 'MORE OF' (us?) capable adults USA-globally (excluding the truly disabled & Jesus's Little Heaven supported innocent 1's ie: babies-kids-children-teens) = SO WE ALL R divided & I'm separated from U as HE says 4 me 2 do, SO B it! THIS IS 4 VERY REAL, MAKE NO MISTAKE! THIS ALL USA-GLOBALLY LITERALLY ONLY ENDS 1 WAY!