In My Own Word's though they are NOT solely my word's alone but THOSE before me; SEE how USA is in jerUSAlem. Some whom claim to be Christian ie: I've heard it said online per churches that claim to help homeless, misc - "Some help, most don't"; more over - have at least, in some respects, in denial, etc - they are, if even a majority of this species (claimed to be in HIM), have and ill still do make a mockery of HIM (God/JC), His Word (Basic instruction's Before Leaving Earth), and got HIM pegged all wrong, you human's . . . you just don't get it, though you all deem you can 'handle the truth'. Huh, oh, what can be said / shared enough, not that you human's even after 20 centuries are / would have the capacity, furthermore, no capacity to do what needs to be done, nor the capacity to know what you do ie: "They know not what they do" - JC < multiple level's and layer's.