Sigh . . . all Father God just wanted to do was, create something. So to sum up, and not mention what you may already know, forgive me AND Father God: a) 2 test period's (the first exceeding longer than 2,000 yr's). The 1st to know & B told is Jesus &-though humanity thinks their gonna know B4 Jesus? That's sick. The other test period is amidst Jesus's 10 centuries/1,000 yrs reign. b) 2 Lucifer disposition's. c) 2 Judgment Day periods (the 1st of 2 is going 2 B the worst most populated), thus, Jesus shedding tears of sorrow, 4 which Devil was solely suppose 2 B the only 1 in Hell. BUT God doesn't want any Judgment Day, why then? Cuz humanity continues, thru past-2 date 2 justify it. HE solely just wanted to create something, that's all. The 2nd final Judgment Day like period is gonna B after Jesus's 1,000 year reign, 2 do a final sum up, B4 those remaining, will B & know the un2 the sole 1's 2 see how it was SUPPOSE 2 ALWAYS been & B all via Holy Bible's Book of Revelations.