& with literally who ever thought ANY (of viewer's) would B literally $ paying 4 News media broadcasting, don't-doesn't viewer's (general public adult civilian $ tax payor's) got ENOUGH 2 $ remit-cut-disperse YO incoming $ 4 as it is, as 2 just gullibly-naive, misc suck it up & add just another senseless thing 2 YO already high totaled up expense's, but of course every 1 just playing each other 4 sucker's meanwhile ALL YAW USA-globally just STILL daily allow 2 literally EXIST = USA-global TOP-down Bilderberg Group-Trilateral Commission-World Economic Forum-Vatican-Deep State-Bill Gates-NASA-New Mexico Dulce base-Nevada Area 51 & Utah Area 52, etc else USA-globally above-below ground as oppose 2 literally CEASE THEM ALL & send 4th B4 Jesus 4 their pre judgment day processing!