Brooke Crook, Pre-K through Graduate School, Alternative Educational Options, Next Steps 2023, Building The Parallel Society, February 22-25 <a target='_blank' rel='nofollow' href=''></a> Presented by: Matt Beaudreau, Brooke Crook, Darlene De La Plata Learn How To: Homeschooling Unschooling Student Led Learning Community Based Microschools Homeschool Co-Op Private Education Association (Pea) And More! Brooke Crook Intuitive Creatress, Brooke Crook, brings inspiration to us today as she shares about exiting the matrix by showing up in our soul&rsquo;s alignment, specifically in the way we lead our little ones through truly private home learning. As a Regenerative Gentle Detoxification Specialist for mothers and children gifted in divine physiology, a Co-Creator for family freedom networking, a Freedom Reinforcer gifted in writing and shifting perception, and with a dedicated family ministry developing conscious communities, Brooke serves others as a leader in By Design Ministries, a multi-faceted private ministry hosting this handful of Projects to provide expansion in the lives of conscious families and soulful businesses, calling in their soul&rsquo;s need for freedom in true health, service, and parallel freedom in community. <a href="">#BrookeCrook</a> <a href="">#Education</a> <a href="">#HerbMom</a> <a href="">#Homeschooling</a> <a href="">#MicroSchools</a> <a href="">#NextSteps2023</a> <a href="">#NurseUp</a> <a href="">#PrivateEducationAssociations</a> <a href="">#Schools</a> <a href="">#Unschooling</a>