Darlene de la Plata, Pre-K through Graduate School, Alternative Educational Options, Next Steps 2023, Building The Parallel Society, February 22-25 <a target='_blank' rel='nofollow' href=''></a> Presented by: Matt Beaudreau, Brooke Crook, Darlene De La Plata Learn How To: Homeschooling Unschooling Student Led Learning Community Based Microschools Homeschool Co-Op Private Education Association (Pea) And More! Darlene de la Plata Darlene &ldquo;The Herbmom&rdquo; de la Plata is an Ordained Minister, Fierce Health &amp; Spiritual Warrior, Transformational Coach, Wealth Strategist, Amazon Jungle Explorer, Best-selling Author with 5 books, Speaker, and Professional Muse. Since 1987 she has been a tireless underground advocate with a deep commitment to exposing the lies that keep us stuck in the generational cycles of poverty, addiction, abuse, and dis-ease. Her programs for life transformation and practical prepping for everyday people are shared through grassroots, truth-seeking communities nationwide as part of her ministry. Creating art, experiencing nature, growing both food and medicinal gardens, collecting books and adopting cats are a few of her passions, but her greatest joy is her family. She is a proud YaYa to her grandbabies who inspire her to be more magical every day and to heal humanity one Kindred Photon at a time. She believes fear is the ultimate enemy, and LOVE is always the answer, no matter the question. Website: <a target='_blank' rel='nofollow' href=''></a> Faceboook: <a target='_blank' rel='nofollow' href=''></a> LinkedIn: <a target='_blank' rel='nofollow' href=''></a>/ Pinterest: <a target='_blank' rel='nofollow' href=''></a>/ Twitter: <a target='_blank' rel='nofollow' href=''></a> <a href="">#DarleneDeLaPlata</a> <a href="">#Education</a> <a href="">#HerbMom</a> <a href="">#Homeschooling</a> <a href="">#MicroSchools</a> <a href="">#NextSteps2023</a> <a href="">#NurseUp</a> <a href="">#PrivateEducationAssociations</a> <a href="">#Schools</a> <a href="">#Unschooling</a>