Speech First Fellow American, Our historic lawsuit against Oklahoma State University, if it prevails, could set a pro-free-speech precedent across the entire 10th Circuit and impact the speech rights of students throughout the country. I’m not mincing words when I say an entire generation of young adults could be forever changed and have their speech rights forever unshackled if we win. Fellow American, as our entire team at Speech First puts their minds, bodies, and souls behind this free speech fight, we desperately need your support. Please pledge a donation of $18, $35, or $53 and stand with us as we take on OSU and fight for free speech! Help us defend free speech The students at OSU are having their First and Fourteenth Amendment rights violated and attacked – in the classroom and on campus more broadly. OSU’s questionable policies are being used to monitor, investigate, and restrict student speech altogether. Unfortunately, OSU is not alone in using abhorrent policies to go after students’ speech rights. However, if we win our lawsuit against them, it could force other institutions of higher education to change. OSU, just like many other higher education institutions in America, have forgotten what they are supposed to be doing. Universities were designed to foster healthy debate and create an atmosphere of learning and discussion- presently they’re being used as indoctrination camps. I need your help to make them stop. Please make an emergency donation right now of $18, $35, or $53 to support our legal battle against OSU! Help us defend free speech Fellow American, this publicly funded university is using your tax dollars to harass, embarrass, and silence students, and Speech First is the only organization who is standing up to them. The university’s administration is acting as the vocabulary police, deciding which so-called “offenders” should be punished for their speech. Speech First refuses to sit back and watch this happen but we need your help to keep fighting. Please make an emergency donation of $18, $35, or $53 to help support us as we fight for our student members and all students’ free speech rights. Your tireless support and generous donations allow Speech First to continue to fight for our student members and all students Free Speech rights on college campuses. Thank you for your continued support, Cherise Trump Speech First Cherise Trump