“Harriet Hageman has defeated pro-impeachment House Republican Rep. Liz Cheney, vice-chair of the Jan. 6 committee, in the GOP primary race to represent Wyoming's at-large congressional district. Cheney said Tuesday night that she had called Hageman to concede. The race was called by The Associated Press.” On that note... Some of you are old enough to remember how much Democrats hated Liz Cheney’s dad, and now they hold her up as royalty. Democrats have no principle, moral compass, standards or values. She is really a Democrat at heart, but uses her constituents in Wyoming to keep her in office. She sent out mailers asking Democrats to vote for her. And not to mention that her husband is a partner at the law firm defending Hunter Biden. But don’t blame her for someone else’s actions. Says a lot about her when she jumps on the band wagon during the J6 kangaroo hearing. If only she could asked the questions that needed to be fairly asked. And... I find it so interesting that she is sitting on this committee claiming to be the voice of honesty and integrity and against the 2020 election challenge when Democrats are being asked to switch to Republican to vote so she can keep her seat. And that’s integrity? It's kind of funny seeing Democrats giving sympathy to Liz Cheney. Let's be honest here, the ONLY reason ya'll are giving her props is because she's trying to take down President Trump who ya'll have an unhealthy obsession with. If she were running for president, ya'll would say she's lower than dog feces. But, she compared herself to Abe Lincoln and hinted she’d run for President to safeguard our Constitution. Funny, she’s on an illegal and unconstitutional committee that has absolutely no authority to incriminate anyone… accept publicly, yet she says she stands for what’s right! You reap what you sow! With that said... She should have listened to her constituents and not act on her detrimental agenda! She had the right to vote as she wished in the impeachment. She exercised that right. The voters had the right to vote as they wished in the primary. Ding Dong the witch is jobless!