Hey there, it's Alek Skarlatos. I’m going to make this the shortest email you’ve received from me in a long time. We’re down by 1 point in the most recent publicly available poll Republicans are having a really hard time raising campaign cash, despite the fact that 85% of Americans think we’re on the wrong track as a country I don’t have enough money to start airing my ads on TV and we have 105 days until Election Day It costs $7k to air one of my ads on TV per day. Every day we’re not on TV, we’re losing this race With Republicans only needing 4 seats to capture the House, victory is within reach. But the fundraising gap between DEMS and REPUBS is bewildering. I need immediate help. We have not aired a single ad on TV because it’s so expensive. I’m asking if you’ll help me avoid budget cuts by chipping in to fill up my TV ad fund today. We need to raise $7,000 by tonight at midnight to be able to air our ads tomorrow. CHIP IN ANY AMOUNT HELP ME GET ON TV ➞ We’re going to have to pull resources from other areas of the campaign to get on TV if we don’t’ quickly come up with the money. That would not be a good thing. God Bless, Alek Skarlatos alek Alek for Oregon Alek Skarlatos Republican for Congress