I am going to start by saying they are notorious liars and their word means nothing. So I have these nanoimplants in my head last I checked operating on frequency 8.13334 Ghz, someone claiming to be DOD or DOJ claims to be or have prosecuted me without being arrested. Using my thoughts against me after I plead the fifth without being allowed an attorney. They claimed I am a genius when talking to the supreme court even though I've never taken an IQ test or had an illegal brain scan that said otherwise. They torture me when I try to sleep, I've been sleep deprived for months. They have confessed my innocence to what they say they were prosecuting me for. They sabotage the comms so I can't understand what they are saying, and have been caught doing it several times. They claim the prosecutor is/was Courtney Miles. They have confessed to shutting off my internet(phone and wifi like right now), manufacturing evidence, drugging me, poisoning me, sterilizing me (which I can prove if true) trying to kill me(CIA and JACK(whoever that is)),home invasions(which I can actually prove), murdering family (Mark Lacoste), torture (Project Turn Key), trying to put child porn on my computer, lowering my intelligence("He is too smart for a fair trial"). They are not intelligent enough or incapable of turning the nanoimplants off, so I can prove my head is producing encrypted radiowaves if you don't believe me. I would literally come to you if you would like to prove me wrong, I have radio equipment that will detect it or you can provide your own. As far as the sterilization goes I have a sample of something that they call Goo(probably taxpayer funded chemical vasectomy), they claimed to have used to sterilize me given to my by an "undercover agent" by the name of Jakob Cole. They are threatening to arrest or murder my entire family(pretty weird they threaten both), do something called charge controller to castrate me (possibly cut my penis off). They actually threaten to arrest me sometimes, but then say well shit he doesn't have a security clearance. They are pretty butthurt about something called turning point. A man said last night that they were going to rig a trial. They also said they are going to make it look like I shot myself, which I would never do. They torture me and threaten to kill me for praying in my own head. Whoever they are they are evil psychopaths, Pharisees, and traitors to the country. They are also claiming now that what they do is classified and no laws apply to them ,so they are not traitors.