May 5, 2022, 2:25pm Where Is the FBI? Popular Republican Madison Cawthorne Is Hit with Revenge Porn Attack &mdash; And Twitter and Facebook Allow It Despite Taking Down ALL OF HUNTER BIDEN ORGY/DRUG VIDEO Far left Twitter joined the mainstream media and went into overdrive before the 2020 election to block The Gateway Pundit reports on Hunter Biden. Twitter suspended the TGP account for 12 hours after we posted a photo of Hunter smoking crack. We did not publish the video that is online but offered a link in our report. In a new twist at the time &mdash; far left Twitter not only suspended The Gateway Pundit account &mdash; they suspended ANYONE who retweeted our report on Hunter Biden! These are Chinese Communist tactics. They want to shape behavior and shape what you are allowed to see. The liberal media and tech giants REFUSED to report on the Biden Family financial and criminal sexual abuse scandals. BestPresidentEVER@tweet4snowden I was locked by <a href=''>@Twitter</a> for several hours for retweeting an article from the @gatewaypundit about a Taiwan TV station that released sexual explicit images and/or videos from the <a href="">#LaptopFromHell</a> ... 7:55 AM &middot; Oct 26, 2020 The fake news mainstream media waited until over a year later to report on the scandal that involved drugs, orgies and illicit pay-for-play deals by the Vice President&rsquo;s crime family. Fast forward to today. Popular conservative Rep. Madison Cawthorne is currently being hit by a revenge porn attack. Liberal political activists in North Carolina obtained old video clips from before he ran for Congress of young Madison naked with friends meant to damage his campaign for reelection. So far the FBI has not lifted a finger. And so far the far left tech giants are allowing the footage on their platform. DO NOT EVER FORGET THIS. THESE PEOPLE ARE EVIL. The far left powerbrokers in the tech world and mainstream media will only allow you to see whatever damages a Republican and nothing that damages a crooked Democrat. They are running a mafia style attack on the American public. You will only see what they want you to see. So where the hell is Chris Wray and the FBI? <a target='_blank' rel='nofollow' href=''></a>/