strongema href=“Therefore let us not sleep, as [do] others; but let us watch and be sober” (1 Thessalonians 5:6)/em/strongGod has rescued you from the kingdom of darkness and translated you into the kingdom of light. You are a son/daughter of light. You are a light to the world. Praise God! In Jesus you have redemption and forgiveness of all your sins. You are now presented Holy in His sight, without the slightest blemish and free of all accusation.Choose to continue in your Faith. Choose to be established and firm, never turning away from the gospel. You are capable and anointed to minister, by commission of God. You are a soul winner, Praise God! Begin to proclaim Him to everyone with all wisdom. To this end strive with all of His power and ability that so powerfully works within you.Praise God, you are a success. You are the righteousness of God in Jesus Name. You are bold as a lion in the Name of Jesus Christ. Therefore use your God given abilities to win the lost for Christ, witness to those around that are unsaved. Shine your light brightly for Jesus, allow Him to work through you. You have been granted the power of attorney to use the Name of Jesus to meet every need.strongPRAYER FOR TODAY/strongem“Dear Lord, you are my sun and my shield. You do not withhold any good thing from me because I choose to walk in faith in Jesus Name, Amen”./em – Faith Centre International