Thunderstorms 20262026.(4) by the uplifting of warm and humid air. there are many factors that lead to the uplifting of air, for example, solar heating; in the vicinity of low-pressure troughs; when two different air streams meet; or when air is forced uphill., when humid air20262026(5), it will be cooled and the moisture in the air20262026 (6) to form cloud. upon further uplifting, the cloud will extend higher. water droplets in the cloud continue to grow in size. as the cloud extends further upward, ice crystals may form because of low temperature there. a cumulonimbus cloud results when it grows to a height of 10 to 20 kilometers. thunderstorms20262026 (7) by cumulonimbus clouds., 4. a. forms, b. are formed, c. is formed, d. was formed, e. formed, 5. a. lifts, b. lifted, c. are lifted, d. is lifted, e. was lifted, 6. a. condense, b. is condensed, c. will condense, d. will be condensed, e. will