How did you get into art and what's your favourite medium? ——— Sooooooooooo, basically i doodled to pass time in class when i was a kid. Just patterns and landscapes and junk pretty much. Nothing actually good, 'cause i never bothered to learn anything. But i kept seeing good art from people online, and thinking "damn i wish i could do that" So somehow in 2014, I decided i'd get a tablet for Christmas and study and draw at least a bit everyday of 2015. Aaaaand i did. At least a bit every single day, averaging maybe like 3-4 hours each. Learned about color, composition, perspective, anatomy, contrast, etc and put practice into all of it. Took about 5 months to reach a point where, looking back, i still find art i think is really solid. Some of my art from September, October, and November of that year I'm still proud of, actually. The year after that, I picked up watercolors and stopped doing digital much. After picking up a pico-8, i needed to pick up pixel art too. I like those two mediums best now. (should really get back into that whole routine tbh)