To get on my nerves is easy but to make me actually high speed grow fangs and talons is a task not for the faint of heart. Filming at night out and about when the most dangerous thing you might meet is me. ——— Well, good thing I strapped my anger inside a box that barely shows up anymore. It may rise if I'm pestered everyday. I already had my time of showing my volatility. It stemmed from a lack of being understood, not shown respect I felt I deserved at the time and not reaching what I felt was so close but worlds away, I saw so much potential until it fizzled out into anger that it never happened, what I got from it at the time was losing myself, my patience, positivity, peace, calm, destroyed boundaries. Reading that over, helps me to see how far I've gotten since feeling that way. Now I just settle for showing for myself. And people can be pretty good. There can be drawbacks from the attachments that can form. Because I now value my freedom, I don't like being tied down or expected to show up everyday. I already did that and all it did was lead into what I described earlier in this post. To be honest, I don't want to put everything into one thing, that when I decline. (Well, guess I had something to say 😅😆)