you mentioned neuvithesley in your previous answer... do you like it too...? will you be retweeting/posting about it...? ——— I don't RT/tweet with the neuvithesley tag to respect those who are here for wriolette only. I know that some people take the ship names extremely seriously, and as I have wriolette on my account everywhere, many of the ppl who came to follow this account may be strict. So, to respect them, I stand to use only one of the tags (99% of the time.) For NSFW, my preference is also clear with these two. I don't mind if others like them the other way around — I think the sides can co-exist, but I like them in the wrlt setting. To be fair, as I just mentioned in my previous retrospring answer, I'm on SFW lands mostly (with what I create and with what I read, even mostly with the art I see) — what I truly like is Wrio being the more dominant one in their relationship. And I also said I like them as equals... And this is true. To dissolve this paradox, maybe I can rephrase it to the way that I like when Wrio has just that little more 'decision-making power' in their relationship. Bc Wrio would decide for Neuvi's good anyway. (I say I like wrlt and Wrio topping but he is a service top in my read.) I think for someone like Neuvi, who has carried such a burden alone for centuries, to give up the need to lead is st wonderful. They both are their own world's 'rulers', but Neuvi is more of a public figure who has a nation watching his choices (let it be in the past or now post 4.2). I think it's catharsis for a character like him that he can rest and in his private matters, he doesn't have to be the one who has to make the decisions. It doesn't mean he cannot do this — bc the point is that the 'control' he gives up is based on a conscious choice. When I got into this fandom (late August), the wriolette / neuvithesley sides I saw were in a state that the wriolette side fit my preferences way better from many sides (NSFW was just one). I know wrlt shippers who characterize them in a way that is not for me — and I just befriended a wonderful person lately who ships them mostly the neuvithesley way but we basically share one brain cell about their personalities and interactions. So, by base, I wouldn't mind SFW setting neuvithesley. I often like art with this tag — I think if someone truly has their preferences then they have the tag muted so they won't see those tweets bc of me unless they check what I like...? I doubt they do. But I don't RT things with this tag, and when both tags are used I'm in a conflict. As a creator, I understand why someone would use both of the tags... But then again, see the beginning of my answer. Sometimes I slip and RT but I tend to stay with likes only, usually. If a piece of art moves me enough and I have the energy, I will still like it and verbally tell about it. I still follow people who ship them both ways, even ppl who multipship them. Bc I can curate my own experience (e.g. mute multiship tags for Neuvi and Wrio) and I can scroll away if I see st I don't like. We all should be doing this. This answer got long but I made things clear (I wanted, bc you may be not the only one who thought of this question). So: I like Wrio and Neuvi and their loving relationship, and as long as it's not NSFW, tags are rather silly labels bc their dynamic matter more to me than a tag — but what I share also matters to me bc I respect ppl who have stricter preferences. As for 18+ content, I have my preferences, too. I hope I answered everything!