we don't interact much but you really make my tl so much more brighter and fun,, i know that bc you're only human, you have moments like these where it's hard to be silly. and it's for this reason that i sincerely want to thank you for bringing a positive vibe to not just my tl, but to all of your followers' tls. thank you for being you :] i hope we can keep interacting 🫶 ——— im weeping. shaking on the floor. wiggling around all crazy. insert my gif of gahyeon shrimp floor wiggle. i am very happy. thank you so much. i actually do try my best of making an effort of keeping my account positive or at least. a lil pleasant experience. and i'm glad that it's been feeling that way for you!!!! and a few others i spose!!!! let us shake anonymous hands. incredibly firmly. i now salute to you. with a tear rolling down my cheek.