thinking about floyd cooking for riddle and as a side effect of riddle gaining a little weight and softening out around the edges (soft thighs, teeny little tummy, round hips) he gets little itty bitty boobs ( ̄▽ ̄) ——— Weight gain// YESSSSSSS!!! I think it was Idia who called Riddle a glory-hog but glory aside Riddle being an absolute hog AND menace for Floyd's food... It's not even that much of weight, or maybe it is! Riddle's been denying himself for so long his body probably lunges at the opportunity to put on weight ... Riddle goes from itty bitty and petite to short and stout in just two months 🥰 outgrows his pants and shirts really quick, but it's okay because he feels better and it's not actually that bad. He looks healthier and has a happier outlook on things since he's no longer starving himself for his mother's benefit. Floyd feeds him such good foods too... He's literally so obsessed with Riddle's sudden love handles but hes not complaining because Riddles not complaining 🥰🥰🥰