tell me about some of your fav twst ships ——— uhhh ok. i have LOTS of ships, and I fluctuate between which ones I focus on at any given moment but some faves include: azul/jamil - i didn't ship a whole lot from twst until I got to book 4 and saw. All That. it was a gateway ship. please refer to tumblr user MintMoth for the Ideal AzuJami interactions. trey/cater - IDK I just think they're neat! I appreciate their dynamic, and I think there's something funny about a pastry chef dating someone who doesn't like overly sweet things (I am not saying this from personal experience) silver/sebek - sebek insists they're rivals and silver just lets him keep believing that. shoutout to twitter user briarvalleys for putting me on the hard of hearing/partially deaf sebek agenda, because a lot of my tenderness headcanons for them in the future revolve around them helping each other with their respective disabilities (someone please get silver a narcolepsy diagnosis) ace/deuce - they are so dumb and in love and ace has no idea