student/teacher renheng thoughts? ——— (general warnings for dubcon-ish vibes & age diff lol) OH MY GOD i have so many thoughts...this man is going to lose his license hdfjksh there are so many variants that this can take...i think hs teacher blade / student DH is the easiest to imagine but i have no idea what the hell blade would teach. if his YX era mindsight blended with his crazyboy era mindset, maybe it would be something like chemistry or physics. though of course PE / coaching is an easy out too......🤔🤔🤔 just something about the vibes of blade being so antagonistic to DH over his (probably) dead relative who blade had a rivalry with is soooooo sexy it drives me crazy. he tries to tease like it's just DH coming onto him, but with DH's face, blade is in no way immune. and it turns him into such a bitter bitch. but DH can't stay away...this is the guy who he's always admired in the papers and he's his teacher besides. it's so shameful and he knows they're doing something dangerous but he can't stop doing this. the moment they both realize they're in too deep it's already too late. making up reasons to escape in catty corners and meet up after hours. gahhhhh. even the college variant holds so much potential for all the same reasons but none of the forbidden nature. i like blade as a technical school prof or a workshop professor. maybe even an art professor. as long as he's good with his hands. DH feels very STEM or history-major to me...anything meticulous. meanwhile blade is alllll about the feelings, though of course he'd sooner die than admit that. he probably says something like "art is about following your gut" lmao and DH is like this is not helping. directions please the potential for TEACHER dan heng (or, more likely, dan feng) with absolute menace student blade is sooooo GRRRR BARK tho?! he's annoyed, he can't stand this kid, where did he get his fucking attitude from..why is he so persistent? but if there's anything blade is good at, it's seducing a terminal virgin. good for him :') thanks for asking!! hehehe 🌸