sorry to hear you're having a hard day, hope tomorrow will be better πŸ’— we don't interact much often but u are like a "friend" to me, idk how to explain, like an older wise friend that says things that will change your life and be on your mind for days, if yk what I mean. it's nice to open twt after a shitty day and see something funny and interesting in our little community, it makes me happy. you're a big part of it for me, we think alike a lot and you're always so kind when we interact and when I sent something here. sorry for the random rant all of a sudden, it's been hard since that collab was announced and released, I really love skΒ‘z and they really disappointed me, but it helps to know I'm not the only one feeling this way. thanks for being a "voice of the reason" here and talking abt those issues even if it upsets you, being on the right side hurts, but it'll be worth it. that's it (hug you and kiss your cheek), thanks 🀍 β€”β€”β€” Oh my friend, you're so sweet. Thank you 😭. I sometimes just feel like I'm screaming into the void (not that anyone is obligated to listen or agree with what I say! I don't ever have any expectations from anyone!) and get a little in my head about it, that I'm either posting too much about the boycott and pissing people off, or posting too much about 5kz amidst this and...pissing people off with that lol. I think we're all just trying to find our footing here again, and settle into some semblance of a new normalcy after having our community rocked by this damn single and all that it entails....and being unable to every time something comes up. Like today. Idk what it is about them being back in SK that has me on edge now, and I kinda just got a bit overwhelmed again. But no, friend, you're not the only one feeling adrift and a little lost and upset. And thank you again for your kind words (it makes me so incredibly happy to be able to provide a little bit of comfort or joy for anyone around here, so your message really put a smile on my face and made today a little less grim!). Hope you have a lovely day/night and lets all hope tomorrow is better 🧑 (hugging you back and giving u a forehead kiss ☺️)