shell note: saving the best for last! honestly 2min is the one of the pairings i don’t have that many fics for. i already started reading the recommendations people sent in though! i’m enjoying reading them so far. also, how are the mods feeling as well? day 24: πŸ’Ž 2Min - T- 16k - Car Accidents, Amnesia, Homophobia/Biphobia, Angst, Fluff πŸ’Ž 2Min - T - 2k - Fluff, Warm and Fuzzy Feelings, Pining πŸ’Ž 2Min - M - 17k - Thriller, Violence, Murder πŸ’Ž 2Min - 62k - Thriller, Murder Mystery, Gang AU πŸ’Ž 2Min - E - 41k - Werewolves, Historical Fantasy, A/B/O Dynamics f: shelley (🐚) β€”β€”β€” And bookmarked/scheduled! The RNG did leave 2min until last and it was, unsurprisingly, our most popular day! Was a very busy day behind the scenes for us here and a lot of good fic shared πŸ‘€ We've been enjoying reading the month's recs also, it's been wonderful. We are all good, very busy, very much running around like headless chickens with the next couple of events but it's going well! How are you?