okay so kindof a question (at the end im sorry skip this if u want) not really but ur so rad.... icant think of a better way to describe it but youre just rad. like in every /pos way possible. ive made a few friends follow ur work and they all agree ur super rad and cool ily (PLANTONICALLY..) please keep being u (or not, cs u cant technically quantify a person ahshwjhdhs BASICALLY youre cool i like you) sidenote your art is super yummy if its ok cd u share maybe a thought process during pieces or how u come up with ideas? 👉👈 (im really sorry for the paragraph uhm...) ——— HELLO??? THANK YOU... Hehe, this is so sweet omg, so sorry it took me a while to respond to this I completely forgot to check if I got any more asks ;;;; IN TERMS OF COMING UP WITH IDEAS Honestly I think music tends to be one of my biggest forms of inspiration when it comes of thinking of what to make and stuff. I'm a heavily visual thinker so the majority of my ideas come in a very visual yet kind of fuzzy way so I can only do my best to emulate those thoughts with my current skill sets,,, It's a lot of trial and error but I do my best to capture it !! The other half would be me laying awake at 2 am and thinking about like 100 different things at once and whatever train of thought I'm in has me go "I should write this down" and proceed to fish for my phone in the complete darkness and feverishly write down whatever I was thinking and hope I'll remember it's written down when I wake up KDFGKNFGK