oh cherry anon is that more hcs that you want? sure!! he doesn't show it, but the pure hatred that some citizens have against him do get to him. he knows he deserves it and feels guilty for even feeling bad about it -🍄 ——— ...... chat i think its over .... UUUGDSHHDHS no honestly i get so sad knowing that so many people want him straight up dead and its just so ... like yeah hes a criminal WHATEVER but hes genuinely done so much for belobog especially the underworld and i just get so upset that no one at least ever acknowledges all that hes done for belobog even though it was all behind the scenes. like he literally recently got his mask back because he wants to help save belobog Again and it just upsets me that even after all that people are rude and mean to him. and maybe one could argue that he did it to himself and yeah sure maybe he even wants that kind of response but there is no way that it does not affect him in some way because of how much he clearly cares about belobog. and as you said... maybe he even feels a bit guilty for even feeling bad about it but he just cares so much yknow.... offhgfhgd ....