i wanna hear you gush about your Edèn oc :D any new headcanons? owo <3 ——— Hmmmmm...this might be stuff I already mentioned but ah fuck it. Eden has a big talent for baking, and usually tends to do it to relieve stress. Thankfully Charlie and Lucifer manage to actually get edible ingredients instead of typical hell food. They're also the bellhop, but they also do odd jobs here and there. Like Angel they get to stay rent free, but do provide somewhat of an income so that they can get themselves something every once in a while. Also helps to be friends with Fizz and Ozzie who spoil them like NO tomorrow. Ozzie's a sugar daddy in the BEST way. I have the idea that sinners can traverse the rings, but only if they're with someone high enough in the social ladder, and considering the average sinner isn't...well, yeah. But hey, thanks to knowing people like Lucifer or Stolas, they get to explore the different rings! They don't like Greed or Wrath. Mostly Greed. Mammon gives them the biggest ick. They enjoy Lust and Gluttony though! (Maybe Sloth too once that one gets explored again) They can sing (feel like that's kind of a requirement here lol), and their voice is in the typical sopralto range. They're agender so the vocal tone is pretty ambiguous, but definitely not too deep like Husk or squeaky like Niffty. Uh....hope that's enough of an answer gjfkfmv