i love your art sooo much, and something about your artstyle gives off the vibe that you’re such a stylish, cool, and beautiful person! i hope this doesn’t come off creepy because i mean this in the best way possible!! thank you very much for sharing your artworks!! ——— akjsfsd don't make me blush anon!!!! this is one of the loveliest things I've heard said about me. I don't know if I actually meet these standards but I'm very flattered you think so. though on the stylish part, that might be on point, as style is of utmost importance to me 😤 !! it's not creepy at all, I have been thinking about this message for the past few days, very happy that there's someone out there who thinks of me in that way even if it's some stranger whose only perception of me is through my art... but that perception still means a lot to me. and thank you for being in my audience!!! xoxoo i hope you have the most wonderful week-end anon ☀️💖💖