i find it relatable that Carlos discovered a new hobby (art) in university. I used to lament it was 'too late' for me to draw until i saw Carlos's route, where like him i got into art in college too! I had those same thoughts of Carlos earlier bemoaning art supply costs, of why would such a class needed to be taken since he's going to law, etc. Ironically, doing art on the side improved my grades, i guess i was so tense like him lol. ——— I also used to feel that way! I started drawing when I was 17, and took drawing somewhat seriously once I got to university. I tried joining a popular art school in France but I did not meet anywhere close to the required level, which made me believe I had started art too late. And yet... I met my husband (and my closest friends) working as the artist on both Homecoming and Santa Lucia, and now, at 29, I couldn't imagine ever it being too late to pick up a new skill. It's never too late, something Carlos also found out.