i've been meaning to listen to dndads for a while now, n if ur the straw that breaks the camel's back maybe i'll write something.... every dnd podcast fandom needs more kodocon tbh (if i do and my brother finds out I got into it for the shotas instead of cuz ae's been bugging me to for like a year, ae'll be so annoyed lmao) ——— i seem to operate on a rule of "first listen doesn't click, second one gets me hard," so at this point id gladly go up to bat for it... its been a lot of fun!! i think all the pcs are really funny and the fish out of water element always works for me. i like a good dad. definitely not as hard of shotabait as angus but im appreciating the scraps. and hard agree !!! where r my sickos. i want found family AND child molestation... sob sob..... (really, though, these pods can get so rowdy, why is the fanbase so uptight.... they have more chemistry with their sons than each other, dont compromise...)