Absolutely torn between THoM 🐿️🧸🐧 with tae on the ground with his omegas having their way with him. and birdy’s acre 🐰🧸🐧 with soob on the ground and his omegas teasing him to death. Writing this out, I think I’ve just discovered a new preference I didn’t know I had. 🩷 ——— Anon you have no idea what you’ve done to me 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 brb off to go draw…. I have the same preference, there’s nothing better than a soft alpha who’s wrapped around an omega’s finger Now that I think of it, THOM Taehyun and acre Soobin have more in common than just their omegas… I think they’d do well in group therapy lmao