how is mukotsu fitting in!!! ——— (this got kinda long 😅 i tried putting it in bullet points for easier reading….) AMAZINGLY! he’s such a hard worker 😭😭😭 took explanations from hakusan(the attendant when we got him) so easily, no objections. only “okay.” “understood.” and “i see.”! i was worried he’d be distant—our last few arrivals were hanjin(quiet and keeps to himself), a slew of inspectors(doing just fine), and nukemaru(nukemaru)—but he pleasantly surprised me by being so engaged in asking what his tasks and responsibilities around the citadel would be. kasen, izumi, and fudou were all in his training unit together with him and the kanesadas told me about his convo with fudou. i teared up. i’m so grateful for fudou having a friend. i fear i’ve neglected him a bit thinking he was hasebe’s to deal with. the absolute JITTERS the kanesadas were feeling before his arrival… spread to the rest of the shinsengumi (and me of course) so i think muko mightve gotten a bit rattled upon arrival hahaha. hes such a lovely boy though so he’s fine hehe what i’ve learned so far about him is that he haa somehow gotten the short end of the manifesfation stick. he has been nothing but diligent and thorough with his work since he arrived but fine motor skills and spatial awareness seem to elude him more than most. this is very normal for new swords(just a prolonged case this time), and more experience on the battlefield should help him adjust, and muko is nothing if not eager to try<3