hihi!! F or G for the letter asks perhaps?? ——— "Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it." Hmm, there's quite a fair bit of dialogue in my clorivia fic, "the still waters run deep" that I'm pretty proud of but it's all different lines interspersed throughout the story. So I can share this specific one from, "the language of a wound": “I wanted to do better,” Xiao chokes, “I wanted to get it right this time.” Aether’s face cracks. Then Aether’s shaking his head insistently, sliding a hand in through his hair. Xiao shivers, arching towards the touch in spite of himself. “You don’t have to get anything right.” “You don’t understand―” “No, Xiao. You don’t understand,” Aether slides his hands towards Xiao’s face, seeking him. “People care about you. I care about you. Whether or not you get it wrong or right.” It's not that I'm proud of the writing in this one exactly, but just more so what this dialogue meant for Xiao in the context of this scene. Before I even wrote out this whole section, I wrote Xiao's line first, with all of his emotional turmoil and guilt and self-hatred culminating in just: "I wanted to do better. I wanted to get it right this time." And I felt really satisfied by those words coming from him because it felt like it encapsulated exactly how I wanted to characterize him in that fic (and, maybe, because Aether's response were words that I myself needed to hear as someone who struggles with crippling perfectionism...). "Do you write out your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?" Ah, I think it might be clear from my previous answer that I definitely write scenes out of order hahah, I have never written anything precisely from start to finish. I will often write a scene idea, come up with another scene idea or bit of dialogue, then maybe a line of exposition, and then just bounce back and forth until I ultimately try to tie it all together cohesively. I will say I do a slightly better job of writing chronologically with "to build a life" though because I usually have certain scenes outlined for each chapter before writing, but I still bounce around. Thanks so much for the asks! :)