hi... just asking you not to wear nun lolita clothing since, as a catholic, its disrespectful. my catholic family agrees so. i get that its pretty but it just seems very disrespectful to nuns, and only christians should be allowed to wear nun lolita clothing. sorry if this comes off as rude.. ——— Hello, dear. ⠀I was born ﹠ raised catholic,but no longer follow the church or any religion for that matter. Nun Lolita is simply inspired by religious clothing,it is not a 1—to—1 recreation of religious robes,﹠ since we are talking about Lolita fashion,the silhouette will inherently be different due to the rules of the style,specially regarding skirt length ﹠ shape. Incorporating religious things into my aesthetics is a way of coping with my religious trauma,which 「 Surprise!」 was caused by the Catholic Church ﹠ their teachings. ⠀I find it quite funny you have a problem with me liking nun lolita,but not with my 「 Pure Angel 」 persona ﹠frequent use of crosses in my work,which are also religious symbols.