hi! this will be a long-ish one, so apologies in advance. first, i would like to ask if you had any good resources for learning how to code for stellular? i'd really like to learn and make my own codes second, i took a lot of inspiration from one of your codes, and i copied the base of the code (as in fonts and the container shape and size). that said, i did not 100% copy the code however there are many overlaps with your stellular. i was wondering if this would be okay with you or would you prefer i lessen the copied codes? thank you and sorry again! ——— hi, dont be sorry!! I’m actually very flattered that people take inspo from my work 😭 that said, as long as the paste doesnt look exactly like mine I don’t mind at all that you took some as it’s actually how I’ve mostly learned myself lol 🙏 if a lot of the paste looks similar to mine though then I’d prefer credit somewhere to my bundlrs! also make sure you’ve replaced the links for the fonts with your own, I strongly recommend filegarden :) as for resources to learn coding, honestly I didn’t really use anything at first besides studying other people’s code and breaking it down + figuring out how it works.. which helps, but w3schools helps also, as well as videos on youtube! (those help a LOT) Stack overflow is also a place where most coding questions are answered, and honestly just googling how to do things works absolute wonders I recommend learning html first then css to make life easier as well!! html is very easy to learn in my experience